There are a lot of things we do not take notice of but are still a big part of us anyway. As my father always says, "The fact that you don't watch or read about what is really going on around you doesn't mean nothing goes on". Get to know what goes on around you and you will know how to deal with them the best way.
Sunday, 24 December 2017
Christmas Love Message III
Jenny: Now is quite clear is you I love. Circumstances and time has made things obviously clear. Haven't given you too much of a tough time, have I?. I know sometimes I go off, which makes it difficult telling what my true intentions are. Nevertheless, you've always been patient and selfish with me, through it all. Even though, you haven't been 100% dependable on. Your efforts are genuine and sincere and that along speaks highly of you. I may have been occupied most of the times you needed me, being stuck up in one thing or the other. Yet, that didnt deter you from jumping into another's arms. You stuck around like a trustworthy person and I admire that a lot. From the look on your face, you're waiting to hear something extremely romantic. Too bad I guess, but you know I'm more of a pragmatic person and words ain't really my thing. Since there are different platforms of expressing one's love; this is one weakest aspect of mine. Will make it up to you in the practical aspect. Don't forget that I love you. And please keep on being the first to say hello even when I never do. Don't stop being sweet to me, based on my reactions cause I'm only human. Let nothing come between us.
Tuesday, 19 December 2017
Christmas Love Message II
Hilda: Calling somebody your own with a certain assurance is difficult these days. And knowing that someone has got your back, 'no matter what', isn't that assuring either. Also looking at the way relationships are failing is as if they all have a time-bomb attached to it. Whenever you see one's status as, 'actions speak louder than words'. You know the other messed up.
Christmas Love Message
Phil: I wouldn't want to beat around the bush. But I realized being straight forward wouldn't help either in this scenario. But Lord knows, I try hard to ignore or push you away all the time, and the more I do, the more I see myself get hurt in the process. I just love myself around you all the time. And anytime I see you, I wish you could stay a little longer. I even go that far to ignore others whenever you say you're coming over. Only to see you show up and leave just right away or you show up and don't even come inside. I just want you to know there's no condition attached to my love for you. Don't worry I'm very much aware you have another. I think is quite obvious who that guy is. And you pretty much figured out where this conversation was headed right from the start. I mean no harm though. I do see you chat with this guy a lot. I'm sure you know whom I'm referring to. I wouldn't lie about that not making me jealous. But something has got to kill a man. And constantly rejecting me only kills me softly. I bet you've never had this feeling of wanting someone that bad but they never try to love you back. I can tell, you just don't like the idea of others seeing us as lovers. Your compusure around me when surrounded by others makes that obvious. And what do I do to make you mine isn't the question you wanna hear right now. I can't promise you I would keep my distance. Neither will I let you go. Please love me back.
Saturday, 9 December 2017
Don't Be Too Busy To Communicate
Anonymous: I wouldn't prefer dating someone who is always busy to communicate, to talk of marriage. If the communication is strong, I wouldn't be bothered at all. And if they are willing to share their whereabouts and what they are up to with me, then that's enough for me. All I need to see is that, they're making the effort. Cause I rely more on actions; not only words. But if they have no time for me on their busy days. Then it would mean there's a lot they're not telling me. And I wouldn't even know if they decide to go have fun at 6pm and return at 8pm, without any photo update on their whatsApp status, cause they wouldn't tell me either. Unless, a good friend tells me, they met them here or there. And if they forget to say hello or reply my messages even when they are online. And they've already started apologizing for their absence and promised a couple of times to make it up to me. I only see them on their schedule cause their timetable are always packed. I call them; they don't pick up as and when I have something on my mind to share. I send them urgent messages; they don't reply on time. Eventually, I result to reading their messages any least chance I get, cause if I feel they cannot tell me what they've been up to all day in details, either than "nothing much" and "nothing really" then how does that make me feel?. Imagine you've not heard from someone the whole day, then you call at the end of the day to ask about what they've been up to all day and they say, "nothing". Also, when I need someone to confide in, talk to, comfort me, share ideas with, understand me, encourage me, elevate me; they are either occupied or absent-minded. So would it be any different, when we get married?. My point is; it's only natural that everyone makes time for the things or people they love and care about. In other words, what and whom do you spend most of your busy and leisure time on?
Wednesday, 6 December 2017
The Missing Ingredient
Monica: I'm not really good at giving details but I will try as much as possible to share with you why I like him more. I met this guy at the gym, Leslie, he said is his name. I meet new people everyday, cause I'm always up and about. But, you can always tell when the feeling about someone is different. For a moment, I noticed someone staring at me from time-to-time during my workout sessions. Then after a while, I was also peeping at him from time-to-time as well. This went on for like a week. I mean, if you go to the gym, you would realize that most of the boys are so friendly that they would come talk to you even when there's no need to. But this very guy, always smiled at me without a word. That really got to me though. I wondered why he was so weird. Then one time, I decided to join up with him in his stomach workout. I managed to talk to him and he replied so politely and his english was on point. Surprisingly, I never got tired that day during the workout with him. From that day onwards, we started working out together. Then I realized, he was actually funny, little cheeky but very honest and he had an infectious smile. And he's into a lot of things I love. He's really smart and creative. He's the quiet type, but it's interesting being around him. I think he's that missing ingredient in my life.
That Got Me No Where
Lexington: All I ever did was to please you, but that got me no where. I groomed my actions to suit your specifications just to make you happy. Cause I always wanted you to want me as much as I wanted you. But with time, I realized I was losing myself into becoming someone you wanted me to, yet at the same time, appreciating you for whom you were. And that left you in a very comfortable spot. Leaving me in an unbalanced situation, playing two roles at the same time. I guess that gave you the opportunity to call the shots. To speak your mind freely without holding back or taking decisions to suit yourself. Cause you only had yourself to please and didn't need to wait for my consent. Even though, that made me feel less appreciated, I didn't notice until now. Wouldn't say I was blinded by love, but I was caught up in your love spell. From now onwards, I'm gonna be myself. I would like that you love me for me.
Monday, 4 December 2017
Tribute to Obama Look Alike
Nagie's Angels: If there was anything brighter than the morning sun, it was your future. Your utmost potential yet untapped made yearn for more of you. You were self-made but the journey was at length. Your full-strength determination made you an epitome of excellence since that day you met Obama. You were so zested to attain greater heights. And you soared as high as an eagle. Your leadership was staggeringly a memorable one. It was as if the heritage of Obama was passed unto you. Such charisma, passion, bravery, exuberance encompassed you like an armor. Yet your brotherhood was your bouncy castle. Everyone that knew you, saw potential. A rear potential that couldn't be shut down. A vibrant young man right from junior high school through to the university. Yet death, stole you away from us. As irreplaceable as you are, we will always hold you high esteem for the little but great impact you had on everyone around you. May your soul rest in perfect peace.
Girl Your Love is Wicked
Edwin: I wonder what your definition of love was, when you said you loved me. It wasn't once you said that, but on different occasions. Yet you've chosen another over me without my knowledge. Thinking that we were at the verge of getting back together, not knowing the brief distance you gave me was a caution that you have given in to another. May I ask what's so different about him?. What special qualities does he possess?. What made you easily choose him over me?. I wonder if there's an actual answer to all these questions in my head right now. And whether your answers would be convincing enough. I didn't do anything wrong to deserve this. But don't worry, I will surely find another. Please don't come back, cause you've made it quite clear over and over you don't want me anymore. So don't try to hold me back when I try my best to move on. I've been around you for so long, trying to get you to myself but anytime I feel we are, you surprise me once again. I can't do this no more.
Sunday, 3 December 2017
I Looked Stupid
Linwood: I've felt stupid once. I remember that day so well as if it was just yesterday. It was on one fateful night, when I decided to share my feelings with the one girl I want to date in college. It took me almost three hours to sum it all up in three paragraphs that night. Hoping to at least, see a reply when I wake up that very morning. I woke up and there was no reply from her. I checked her status and noticed she hadn't yet been online. I archived her on my whatsapp chat list, just to try forget about it until she replied. I really tried my best to keep it together that day. Before I realized, it was 4pm in the evening and still no reply. I was about calling, when I decided to check up if she had read my message, of which whatsapp confirmed she had. I sent another message and later decided to delete it. She noticed that I deleted a message through whatsapp notification, and pleaded that I should rewrite it, cause she really wanted to read it. But I didn't have the message, so I decided to write it all over again. She was online waiting for the message the whole time. She read it after I had sent it to her and yet no reply, not even an emoji. I send her a message that I was waiting for a reply. She didn't reply that either. Then later in the night, she sent a message, I quote,"hope you are fine?". I mean, like seriously?, who does that?.
Saturday, 2 December 2017
The Path We Chose V
Hakim: Funny as this may sound, but anytime I tried leaving Fred's (Jackie's friend) room. They would bring up this topic, of me not having patience. They even proceeded to ask if I were single and concluded that my impatience was the main cause. I decided to wait anyway and accompany Jackie to her room afterwards and leave right away. Before I knew it, I was also holding the game controller playing the Fifa 18 as well. There was also loud music and pop corn so we all lost track of time until I had a phone call. I took out my phone and saw 7missed calls and the time was 6:47pm. I verified if that was the correct time from Fred. As he was verifying, I was already headed for the door. As soon as he confirmed, I stepped out. Jackie realized that I wouldn't be coming back so she followed. She tried convincing me to at least walk her to her room. She collected my phone and started viewing images in my gallery. She peeped at me anytime she saw an image of me and a lady. She then came across a writing entitled, 'a path we chose', with her name in it. She opened her door, hurriedly sat down and started reading. To be continued.
Friday, 1 December 2017
The Path We Chose IV
Hakim: I managed to get to the room before 12am. I had no clue how I ended up in bed when I woke up and it was almost 10am. I switched on my data and the messages kept on coming. I scanned through and saw Jackie's name. She said, "I'm not feeling too well this morning, and you know I'm in 1 in a room, and I also don't have any friends in this hostel. Kindly buy me yam 2cedis, with fish and sausage, and sobolo with ginger 2cedis, thank you. Please I'm very hungry, hurry up." I almost decided to go buy it for her but I got an idea to call up first. I called up and it was so noisy in the background. I noticed she was in a friend's room, judging from the intensity of the music and laughter at the background. In a most calm and feeble voice, she said, "So you decided not to come, haven't you seen my 2 missed calls. I've eaten now, a friend bought food for me and now I'm stuck in his room. Please come for me okay. Don't have an excuse to give in order to leave". I knew this was a flimsy excuse to see me, but I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt for the first time. I got there at 1pm. And there she was playing Fifa 18 on a flatscreen Tv and screaming on top of her voice. To be continued.
Wednesday, 29 November 2017
The Path We Chose III
The Path We Chose II
Glenda: Ridiculous, how this may sound but I was very certain we were headed towards this path all along. I was clueless, as to how we would, but deep within my guts, I knew. I could see it from the way you looked at me at times. That sweet, soft, unstable look with a pinch of shyness, sauced up with a partial smile. That smile really gets me everytime though, especially when I'm pissed with you. Anyways, that's only one aspect. Another one is, the way you sugar-coat your voice when I always call up unexpectedly. Believe me, when I say, I can feel your smile pierce right through me on the phone. It's just so infectious. Never stop doing that. And another one is, when you doing something and you call up and you don't wanna cut the line unless you through with it. Especially when you cooking stew on a Satutday morning or baking meat pie on a Sunday evening. And sometimes when we have nothing saying, we just be on the line and be laughing in turns. Smh!!!. We've surely come a long way.
The Path We Chose II
Glenda: Ridiculous, how this may sound but I was very certain we were headed towards this path all along. I was clueless, as to how we would, but I knew. I could see it from the way you looked at me at times.
The Path We Chose
Glenn: The path we chose to take was never a complicated one yet it turned out so. Prolly, we were headed towards this direction right from the on-set. But all we did, was to convince ourselves things would get better, while we stuck to the same old practices. Every good thing has an end, so nothing surely last forever. All I did was hope this very thing we shared would last. Nevertheless, I put in mind everything happens for a reason as well. Preparing myself for any possibility of us going our seperate ways. Cause you were no more stable. And I couldn't tell what you really wanted but it was very clear the focus had shifted from me. I'm happy we've come this far anyway, cause you've opened my eyes to many possibilities in this life of ours, of which I'm grateful for. A day with you, was always a better time spent. No doubt about that.
Friday, 24 November 2017
Everyone Has Got Potential III
Ruby: Someone just asked me if it's by-force to engage in something beneficial aside work. Even God, gave us the choice to choose between heaven or hell. So, you know, it always boils down to choice. But one thing I have noticed is, people with extra knowledge always make extra cash here and there. And that extra cash maybe more than their monthly salary. It could be some special dishes you can cook that people would require your expertise during special occasions. It could also be your extra knowledge on autocad, photoshop, video editing, counselling, coaching, choreography, stageplay, instruments, spokenword, music, savings, investments, gadgets, vehicles, comedy, script- writing, catering, pre-technical skills, hair-dressing, manicure. It's not too late if you have no knowledge about anything. Just download tutorials on anything of your interest from YouTube and start from there. One step at a time.
Everyone Has Got Potential II
Trump: I'm sure by now you've discovered this little aspect of you. That is, knowing what you are good at. It's basically anything you do without stress. There's got to be something you do with so much ease. It's necessary you have a hobby or you involve yourself in any beneficial activity aside your work. You could be good at playing instruments or singing. Improve upon that by learning more songs and doing more practice to enhance your abilities. Let someone take a nice video of you in the process and be uploading them on youtube. You'll never know what may come off it. If it's writing, you are into. Let someone help by creating a blog for you. Then be sharing your posts on different platforms as facebook, twitter, whatsapp groups etc. All I'm trying to say is, engage in something productive aside your work. And that may bring about your breakthrough.
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
Everyone Has Got Potential
Xerxes: One thing that I have noticed over the years is that you don't have to be a genius before you can create something. What is most important is your time dedication, in other words; commitment. You just don't give up at the start, cause you wouldn't get nothing done, if you keep quitting at the initial stage. But one basic thing is to find something you love, or switch what you doing into something you love to do. Which would make it interesting for you to continue at any leisure time you get. And also you should love to read. Not necessarily reading in general, but that is also good though. Most importantly, reading into what you wanna do is what builds your interest. Cause, then, you would realise it's scope and what it really entails. Just don't try to do anything big at the start cause that would certainly kill your interest. Start with anything small that you love to do. I just don't want to give examples cause it would favour some and not all those reading. But, in order, for you to get an idea of what I'm talking about, lemme narrow it down to my field of interest. Let's say you wanna create something as a computer science student but you hate coding. Knowing very well you don't have a choice cause every job you want to apply for entails a little knowledge in coding. All you have to do is, go online. Download interesting basic things you can develop through extremely simple coding. Maybe you are more interested in games. So download videos on creating simple basic games that wouldn't require much coding and start from there. As you go along, you would be getting better and better in android programming in general. And in 5years time, you would be among the top ten. Everyone has got potential.
Friday, 17 November 2017
Sunday, 12 November 2017
A demon in my Room III
Edd: God forgive me for the sin I didn't intend on committing. "The soul is willing but the flesh is weak". The very line every sinner uses and I'm even tired of hearing it myself. But God, You know I haven't done anything yet physically, but in my mind, I have done worse, and it's still on-going. And that's the reason for this prayer. Just after the prayer, Mary called me. Asking me if I was in the room. I was very certain if she came to meet Casandra it wouldn't be a nice scene. Not that we were dating, but the way I'm into her, I just didn't want her having a certain perception about me. Cause I knew Casandra very well and how she's capable of making people believe something that isn't so. Anyways, before I could even reply Mary, she was already knocking on my door. Immediately, Casandra shouted, please who is it?. I did tell her to shut up and sit up cause I didn't want the one at the door to think otherwise and who knows who might be at the door. But she gave me the "You don't tell me what to do" look. So I told her to at least lemme know the next time before she comes. She laughed, So that you would fake not being around as you always do?, she replied. That was when I realized it was gon be a long day ahead. To be continued!
Thursday, 9 November 2017
A demon in my Room II
A demon in my Room
Saturday, 4 November 2017
No Touching Bae II
No Touching Bae
Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Feeling Some Kind Of Way II
Lilian: I love the way you are reckless around me. The way you don't hold down any gesture nor comments that comes into your head. And that you are not too careful what you do or say. You just let it all out in the right way without crossing the line. I just love the way you carry yourself around me. And the amount of attention you give me, making me feel so special and all. That is something I hardly get from anyone else and that alone is dope. I just hope you never change and that I don't realize that's the way you are around everyone else. Cause I wouldn't know what I would do or feel anymore. And I really don't want to stop feeling this way I'm feeling right now.
Monday, 30 October 2017
Feeling Some Kind Of Way
Eva: Thomas, sometimes I wish that I wouldn't miss you. Cause I don't fancy the stress I put you and I through when I do. Mostly, me sending you messages that puts you in a spot you don't wanna be. I have noticed it all but I just can't stop. Cause is not only me that do misses you but my body and mind as well. I just wish I could let go of you but it's really difficult cause I've been there and back. Other times, I just try to cause a quarrel to get myself pissed with you so I can get you off my mind for a while. Sometimes, the feeling becomes so strong that I just have to archive our Whatsapp chat and mute your status so as to get my mind off you for a while. And I don't really enjoy bumping into you cause I always want to see more of you after a short encounter. Isn't intentional or my fault either, the feeling is deep. Just don't make me feel bad about it every time.
Thursday, 26 October 2017
She Saw This Coming
Roy: Charley, Sheila didn't force at all. Can you believe all this while she was having a boyfriend and she never cared to share. But it was quite obvious I would find out so why keep it from me in the first place?. I was thinking she didn't really think it through, until I realized that was her exact intentions. She tried explaining her actions though, but at that moment, my mind was hijacked with thoughts all over. But I remember, the point she wanted to make was that she didn't want to drive me away. And that, any new male friend she makes, after telling him, seem to distant himself from her. So she employed a different strategy this time round, which was to be discrete about it. Forgetting what my reaction would be if I discovered it on my own, and now I have. And what bores me the most is that my system won't allow me get angry, cause is baseless.
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
The Look on HIS Face II
Before: God, You know this wasn't part of my plans today. Look into my heart and You would know I ain't telling lies. But at this point, is either You come in or I fall. Cause You know how I'm into this girl. And keeping my hands of her anytime I'm around her has been a problem since day 1. (The girl fine.) So God, this time around before I try anything silly, let's come to an agreement. If I try kissing her and I succeed then green card, meaning go ahead. If she pulls away then, red card, meaning no further attempts. God, please no cheating. Don't whisper anything to her. After: God, the way this girl pulled away so fast I'm suspecting Your Hand in it. Anyways, I won't go back on my words. No further attempts it is. (Nothing spoil). I knew you wouldn't lemme win this one but a man has got to try anyways. I'm going to sleep with my shame. Kindly, protect me throughout the night. Thank You for being God. I see the smile on Your face though.
The Look on HIS face
Gladys: I can see the look on your face towards me LORD. It's a showcase of how tremendous Your love is towards me. Yet it depicts how troubled You are. Cause You are very much aware of my capabilities and potential and how I seem to limit myself too much. Making up excuses that I've got no talent like others do. Knowing very well the things I do with ease, yet I suppress them. I wouldn't deem it on shyness cause I've grown out of it over the years. I wouldn't blame it on my friends either, cause they are very much aware of the fact that when I put my mind to something, I see it through. I wonder what the cause is, I always ask myself, but deep down I know, You know, I know what the cause is. Don't give up on me yet LORD. Help me to live up to my full potential.
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
If Only We Knew the Details
Arnold: I saw him exiting her place this morning and the look on his face depicted he slept over. It seemed something happened during the sleep over. Harrison is the guy I'm speaking of. I think he slept over at Alicia's place. I can see he tried something stupid from the look on his face. It could also be that he was all over her throughout the night and she woke up with an attitude so he decided to leave. Else he would be looking cheerful. But the strange thing was that, he kept looking back. Hoping she would come out looking for him. It could be that he left a note or something that required a follow up. The disappointed on his face grew thicker the further he walked away. I felt his pain cause I could relate. He didn't even realize I was staring at him, cause he was so much soaked up in his emotions. Poor boy!, Lol!. If only the details were quite clearer.
Tuesday, 17 October 2017
Find out the reason why
Eve: Have you ever been asked that ambiguous question, "So what do you want from me?". And I hope you didn't make that mistake of being in a haste to answer. A professor once told me, before anyone asks you an ambiguous question, they already have their answer in their head so be careful with your response. So this got me thinking, that maybe, before you answer any ambiguous question, try figure out the reason why the person asked that question. In order to know the origin of the subject matter. If you can relate then be extra careful not to say anything lousy at that point cause that would divert the whole question in a whole different direction. If you think you cannot figure out the reason why the person is asking that question. Ask the person straight away, why do you ask?. Just to get a fair idea about how to go about your answer or you can keep ignoring the question. But they would find a way of bringing it up again and again. Just do yourself a favor and give the right answer.
Tuesday, 10 October 2017
My Last Weird Message To You
Janet: Believe me when I say you've been on my mind for quite a while after going our seperate ways. I may not say hello or send a text message but that doesn't stop me from thinking about you from time to time. I don't know why I'm telling you this by the way. Cause I know you have a habit of not replying weird messages such as this. So I don't look forward to a reply, I just want to keep you updated. And this is basically the last time I'm expressing myself this way to you. Cause I recently saw this saying that made me see things differently. That something has got to kill a man, to make a man, a man. So I'm working on a new me, who would overlook stuffs that use to affect me emotionally. You should be happy you won't be getting messages from me complaining about every incidence that I expected more from you. And I will keep my "I miss you, I need you, Please come over, I love you, look for me" messages to myself. How about that for a start?
Love the Sitting Technique Formular.
Floyd: I woke up today with thoughts of you lingering on my mind due to the incidence that arouse on our last encounter. For a moment, I felt the feeling was mutual. Even though, there was resistance from the onset. And guilt finally sneaked in at the climax when things were aggravating rapidly. I guess the timing was good cause I could sense danger right at the door of the next step. Until, suddenly everything came to a halt, with you acting upon the feeling of guilt that shot up in you. Making you walk away from it all, leaving me behind. With me sitting down in my shame cause I knew how things would end but I still acted based on my feelings anyway. If I say I'm sorry for starting it all then, of course, I would be lying to you. Cause I would repeat the same thing again and again. And I would do anything to spend that lovely time with you over and over. I love it when we do crazy stuffs together. And being around you just feels extraordinary.
Sunday, 8 October 2017
She Just Left

Friday, 6 October 2017
When We Hit Full Gear
Ford: One of these days I have to get myself a good fuck. Something that would pierce right through my heart and touch my soul. Too much energy in me that I think two rounds wouldn't be enough. All I need is one scheduled night. A week of eating healthy and exercising before that night. A pack of condom and dragon spray would be ready waiting. About 15minutes of foreplay before digging in is very necessary. And the sounds that comes along with it is a guarantee of a good fuck. No stopping when orgasm hasn't been reached. No guilty conscience or looking back once started. The feeling itself would drive the tempo. And when I look into your eyes, all I want to see is, I want more or push harder. It must surely be a day to remember.
Wednesday, 4 October 2017
Rather The Opposite
Kwame: I wish you wouldn't come close to me any longer. I wish we wouldn't be left alone no more. I wish I wouldn't lose my grip whenever I see you. I wish I would meet another so I would get over you. I wish you would ignore me and stop replying my messages. I wish you wouldn't show up whenever I try to get you out of my head. I wish you would talk to me only if something is up. I wish you wouldn't check up on me no more. I wish you wouldn't call me except when you need something. That I would be an illusion to you and you wouldn't take me seriously whenever I get emotional and say things that you wouldn't wanna hear. So that this feeling I have for you would evaporate and you would have your peace of mind. Until then you have no choice but to put up with me for a while.
Tuesday, 3 October 2017
He dey bore waa
I have a Soft Spot for Her
Kojo: I saw her today and that reminded me of how much I miss her. I really tried my best not to do anything silly cause she wasn't feeling so good, she said. I could see it from her responds and gestures, she was heavily worn out. It was like, she was there for one moment and the next moment she was gone. I felt bad I couldn't do anything to help. But would she even have allowed me to?. Wanted her to rest for a while then I would take her to her room but it was quite clear she was in a hurry. And I wouldn't trust myself too much around her either. It was likely I would have tried touching her and obviously that wouldn't have ended well. I was sad to see her walk away just like that but I was happy I would see her the next day, so she said.
Monday, 2 October 2017
I Know What You Are Thinking
Angelina: Fred, I have been mentioning your name too much of late which is weird. And thoughts of you keep popping up in my head often. If it were intentional, then it wouldn't be a bother but it's not. So I wonder what this really is. Cause I'm even surprised myself. Only telling you so you would know and maybe it would go away. So don't get your hopes up. I know after hearing this, you would try something silly. Keep your distance!. This isn't an opportunity for you to try your luck. And please don't get any naughty ideas. It's necessary I make things clear cause I know you. And of course, regardless of what I say you would still try something goofy anyway. Shaking my head!. Silly boy!.
Friday, 29 September 2017
Peep the Twist
Jade: There was no problem with the socket or the plug of the iron. Even though, the iron looked a little worn out. All I wanted to do was to insert the plug into the socket in order to heat up the iron. But I kept on fidgeting with it, unable to connect the two. Seems the hole of the socket was too small to penetrate. I tried to force it in there with the help of my little finger. Even with that, it was a struggle. After a while, I guess she realized what I wanted to do. Out of curiosity, she asked of my intentions but I denied the fact that I actually wanted to plug the iron into the socket. Cause my younger brother was around and I didn't want him to notice. He had no clue what was happening and I wanted it to stay that way. Good enough, the lights were off. Kept on trying for a while just in case but I still couldn't figure out a way so I let it go. I should have allowed her to help me out quietly. Maybe next time.
Thursday, 28 September 2017
She be Dream Girl II
Blinks: She said her name was Mary. And I replied, 'that explained her innocent look'. She was curious about the reason why I said that, but I don't know why I said that in the first place. Just wanted to create a conversation I guess. We didn't really have a specific topic of discussion and that made it even fun. Soon her mind was off the dance, so I quickly turned her around and made her behind face me without her noticing. She was wearing a silky baggy trousers and a crop top. She had this heaped type of ass. Even the girls were checking her out when she arrived, to talk of the boys. It was a good thing the lights were off. For a moment she stopped moving to the track and started bouncing her ass. That was when I realized it was the 'one corner' track playing. She kept on increasing the tempo that I started panting, which made her laugh. Just then, one guy smartly came to stand in front of her which made her feel awkward. So she wanted to turn around and face me, face-to-face. I signaled the other guy to let's compress her like sandwich, preventing her from turning. I had to be selfish at that moment. She just kept on bouncing and laughing softly non-stop. Believe me when I say the girl never gets tired and she has this super soft body. Why would I not take her number. And the best part of it all is that, she's in my hostel. I've been smiling since. Laugh out loud!
She be Dream Girl
Blinks: Went for a friend's birthday jam yesterday night. The girl sitting next to me had an attitude on from the on-set. And the boys facial expressions towards her all looked like, 'who comes to a drink-up with an attitude on?'. I mean, at least put a smile on or something even if you don't wanna dance. So I guess, that made the girl next to her also feel some kinda way. I could tell she wanted to dance but she just changed her mind on the spot cause all the guys were acting desperate. Yet, she was nodding and moving her waist to the tempo. So I got up to stand close to the door just in case. And every minute, I would peep at her and smile. After a while, she got up to leave cause she wasn't feeling it any longer. I got that impression far ahead of time and was alert. The moment she got very close I held her by the waist softly and pulled her tenderly towards me. Why, won't you dance?, I whispered into her ears. She smiled and nodded, no. But we are already dancing, I added. She laughed and tried to pull away. Don't leave now, let's chat while we dance. No need to make any intense moves, just move left and right and I would also follow the rhythm. My name is Kojo by the way, I added. She gave a smirk and doubtfully complied. To be continued.
Tuesday, 26 September 2017
Another Drama
Zed: All along I wasn't ready to be her first until I realized I wasn't her first after all. There had definitely been another before me and I knew that for sure after doing it with her. She knew that I figured it out but she wasn't in the mood to explain anything right now. She just wanted another round. To me, it all summed up now. And it was a very awkward way of figuring things out. Cause she had been having some strange calls around awkward times I have been around to witness. I mean, I was never suspecting anything but that doesn't mean I wasn't observant. She would sometimes ignore the call or act as if she hadn't seen it. Other times she would pick up and try to end the conversation but I guess the person was used to having longer conversation with her. The little I had witnessed was enough. I didn't bother to ask cause she never talks when I need answers. And I didn't really care now anyway. This was a clear evidence, it was time to move on.
Drama Queen II
Jessie Jags: So I came back to my room expecting to see her covered in blanket yet naked lying down waiting for me as they do in movies. But to my disappointment, she had left. So I slipped into bed thinking whether to call her or not then I remembered she had blocked me. I was in bed watching music videos and my bathroom door crept open. There she was, she gave me a signal to come. Hurriedly, I joined her, switched on the shower so she would take off her clothes and she did. I took off mine as well. I held her against the wall, knelt down and started licking her from top to bottom. I could have pushed it right in but why the rush. I had to get it all ready and wet awaiting arrival. I wasn't ready to let this opportunity slide again. I made sure every step I took was systematic and done well before I proceeded to the next one. Then I got to her breast, grabbed it real hard but slowly. Turned her around, jacked into her slowly while I held unto her breast. She was uncontrollable. She just went nuts and was all over the place. Finally, it was time. I turned her around and soaked it in. Push it in slowly and gently. And increasing the tempo gradually. There she started feeling it and moving along with the tempo continuously for 2minutes non-stop. Then she got real emotional as the tempo increased slowly. Just then I stopped, ejected and went to lie in bed. She begged me to continue but I was tired and consumed. I had reserved energy to continue but I wasn't ready to risk that on a girl who didn't love me anyway.
Drama Queen
Saturday, 23 September 2017
Just this one thing left

Thursday, 21 September 2017
Let's Come To An Agreement
Unofficial Risk
Wednesday, 20 September 2017
I Could See It From Afar
Porter: He just told me we cannot be a couple with no reason attached. Had entirely no clue what my flaws were. At least, he owed me that, I told him. But he wasn't ready to speak. He had made up his mind and that was it, nothing would change it. I did see it coming but I just didn't prepare well enough. Cause he stopped saying hello, tried spoofing around to find something as basis to end things. He easily got pissed and spoke his mind freely without holding back. He just didn't really care anymore. He replied my messages as and when he felt like. I guess there is nothing to fix. It's quite obvious he isn't interested anymore. That is why he has no solid reason as to why he feels we cannot be a couple. He really has nothing to say, all there is to know is that he is no longer interested in that idea of togetherness. Time to move on, self. Let's find you someone worth living for.
I Got Choked In
It has been for sometime now
Tuesday, 19 September 2017
There's a lot more to it
Rodney: For a moment, I thought you loved me as much as I did. Looking at your gestures, attitude, response, tolerance, endurance and a few more. But now you've made it clear what it was. I'm hurt but also a little skeptical. Not really bothered about you bottling up what you truly felt while I was thinking all along the feeling was mutual. Also not bothered, how long you've been able to keep this from me up until now. Cause I don't think this decision you just told me about, came up just a week ago. Could be months or weeks but all the same, I'm not bothered. And all along you realized my love for you grew deeper while yours for me shrunk but you decided not to say anything up until now. That doesn't really bother me as well. Moreover, you telling me you cannot continue this relationship or whatever it is any longer doesn't bother me. And your timing, you telling me after a good time spent bothers me not. But my concern is,why you came up with the decision all by yourself to throw all the times we've spent and happy memories we've made, all up in the trash cause you have a strong feeling we cannot be a couple isn't something convincing enough. And I know for sure there is more to it. Just tell me all there is and I would go my way. At least, you owe me that.
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