Sunday 24 December 2017

Christmas Love Message III

Jenny: Now is quite clear is you I love. Circumstances and time has made things obviously clear. Haven't given you too much of a tough time, have I?. I know sometimes I go off, which makes it difficult telling what my true intentions are. Nevertheless, you've always been patient and selfish with me, through it all. Even though, you haven't been 100% dependable on. Your efforts are genuine and sincere and that along speaks highly of you. I may have been occupied most of the times you needed me, being stuck up in one thing or the other. Yet, that didnt deter you from jumping into another's arms. You stuck around like a trustworthy person and I admire that a lot. From the look on your face, you're waiting to hear something extremely romantic. Too bad I guess, but you know I'm more of a pragmatic person and words ain't really my thing. Since there are different platforms of expressing one's love; this is one weakest aspect of mine. Will make it up to you in the practical aspect. Don't forget that I love you. And please keep on being the first to say hello even when I never do. Don't stop being sweet to me, based on my reactions cause I'm only human. Let nothing come between us.

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