Wednesday 4 October 2017

Rather The Opposite

Kwame: I wish you wouldn't come close to me any longer. I wish we wouldn't be left alone no more. I wish I wouldn't lose my grip whenever I see you. I wish I would meet another so I would get over you. I wish you would ignore me and stop replying my messages. I wish you wouldn't show up whenever I try to get you out of my head. I wish you would talk to me only if something is up. I wish you wouldn't check up on me no more. I wish you wouldn't call me except when you need something. That I would be an illusion to you and you wouldn't take me seriously whenever I get emotional and say things that you wouldn't wanna hear. So that this feeling I have for you would evaporate and you would have your peace of mind. Until then you have no choice but to put up with me for a while.

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