There are a lot of things we do not take notice of but are still a big part of us anyway. As my father always says, "The fact that you don't watch or read about what is really going on around you doesn't mean nothing goes on". Get to know what goes on around you and you will know how to deal with them the best way.
Wednesday, 28 December 2016
A Piece of My Mind
Betrayal has presented to me my own cistern, containing all the trusts, love and compassion I offered to the people I loved on a golden platter, not the usual silver platter. Which has been disregarded, crushed and dismantled. Leaving me to wallow in my own trance of hurt and pain. My heart dissolves into space preventing me from even trying to gather it's pieces to form a more resistant one. As ironic as it seems, I'm led to lead the symphony of betrayal organized by the very ones I love. Although my heart is heavy, I find myself having more compassion for my betrayers than never before. Even Jesus Christ forgave on the cross, therefore, whom am I? just a mere mortal. I strife to glue the broken pieces of my heart. Still radiating the smile I know gives hope to those who need it.
Loved Replaced

You Chose What Suits You.

Leaving Nothing Out XIV
Yet another segment on the enticing episode of leaving nothing out. Eunice's thought on 31st Night. Eunice:
Ahhh.... December 31st, the day one which we all stand to renew our
resolutions for the upcoming year. In my opinion I believe this last day
of the year is set aside to recount our many, many blessings throughout
the entire year thus far. This day many of us attend Church and
together we sing, jubilate for the many blessings bestowed upon us and
also rejoice as welcome another year. This day is not meant for "Church
hopping" or time to finally lookout for friends or life partners just
because everyone seems to be around. Instead let us use this one time in
the year to reflect on all that has gone by within the year and also
most importantly give thanks. God has done a whole lot in our lives and the least we can do is be grateful. Therefore regardless how playful we always seem to be. Let's lay it all aside on 31st Night. And put on the gown of seriousness and pour our hearts out to God.
Leaving Nothing Out XIII

Sunday, 25 December 2016
Leaving Nothing Out XII
Another beguiling episode on leaving nothing out. Today we wanna know why so many people go to church on 31st Night. So let's get started.
Caleb: For me, I go because I'm always looking forward to a better year and it's only God who can make that possible for me. Therefore, I go to thank him for the previous year and usher the incoming one into his hands. Bridget: I think we all go to thank God for the previous year and keeping us alive to see the incoming one as well. But I don't normally go to my church on 31st Night but a friend's, cause I meet a whole lot of friends way back from kindergarten. Martins: Okay for me, I move from church to church on 31st cause I wanna know what goes on in most churches and also meet friends. Cause for some friends, it's only 31st you gonna see them and also I meet a whole lot of friends I chat with but haven't really gotten the chance to see them in person on 31st as well. Especially the ladies. Thanks for reading. So my question is, do you think, there has been a total deviation from the true purpose of 31st Night?.

Leaving Nothing Out XI

Wednesday, 14 December 2016
Leaving Nothing Out X

Monica: Hello honey, take me out this Christmas err? Austin: Hello Sweedy, at least ask how I'm doing first. Anyways I'm doing good, hope you are too? Where would you like to go? Monica: Lol. I'm also good. Anywhere you would take me. Not a silent place though. Austin: Oh okay. But can you just get a place you wanna go and lemme know. Monica: Oh you figure out a place. Don't really know myself. Austin: Okay then. I'll get back to you then. Send me a picture of you err. Monica: Would be waiting honey. Today is 25th oo so get back to me on time. (Picture sent) Austin: Don't worry, I'll sure get back to you as soon as possible. Wow!, bae so fine. Wear one of dem dresses when we do go out yeah. Monica: Ain't a problem.............One Week Later....... Monica: So you didn't get back to me err. Austin: I said hello the last time but you didn't reply so I thought you weren't in the mood any longer. Monica: Oh come on, you just said hello, I mean if you really wanted to take me out you would have carried on with the message. "Logical Reasoning". Austin: Oh really?, you could have also just replied. Monica: Okay, no yawa(biggie)!, we can still reschedule it so when? Austin: Okay lemme get back to you then. Monica: Please, is okay if you won't take me out. Isn't force, was just asking if you would. Bye!
Leaving Nothing Out IX
Welcome to another stunning segment. Today we wanted a couple of people to share some jokes but after reading what they sent that they claim is a joke. I just couldn't force a smile to talk of attempting to laugh out loud. So we decided to let someone do what he does best. Don't miss this.
Leaving Nothing Out VIII

Aleda: I have been chatting with this guy for sometime now. He's in Ghana and I am in the states so we normally chat only through Whatsapp and IMO. Recently, his phone started messing up and that affected the fluidity of our chat so I decided to start calling directly. Anytime I do he doesn't respond and he gives this lousy excuse of not wanting to waste my minutes since it's expensive. But I'm not complaining. We've argued about this matter for sometime now and I have finally decided to let it go and refrain from calling him altogether. Aldric: I was having this thing with a friend until recently it all melted down but I do miss her from time to time but anytime I hit her up. She ends up annoying me, eventually replacing the missing her with getting pissed with her. One thing that affects me the most is when we agree on something. Like say maybe we will go somewhere tomorrow. And I will be free all day but since she's the one having stuffs to do should hit me up before 1pm when she's done with her rounds. She would respond positively but never call or leave a message. Two days can go by and she wouldn't say hello or anything, as if no agreement was made. She would later give flimsy excuses and I will accept but she would do that again and again. It just pisses me off.
Friday, 9 December 2016
Leaving Nothing Out VII
On this segment, we out to find stuffs people would like to get this Christmas. Here are some things they mentioned.
Freddie: I don't really know but I think Iphone 7 will do. Anne: Range Rover Sport will do. Keisha: Kisses and cuddles all night long from my boyfriend I guess. Portia: Haven't really thought about this but when the need arises, I will know just what I want. Gifty: It depends though. Cause I can mention something now and totally want something different after having it. Ivan: That a girl I'm pursuing would finally say yes. Jimmy: A tour in America will be just great. Anthony:A day out with my family to eat and drink and chat all day at a wonderful place will just do it for me. George: A new house at East Legon near Jane will just do it for me. Thanks for reading today's exclusive. We've got a bonus package for our viewers. Which is a Christmas Rhyme by Ehud. You cannot afford to miss this. Take us away Ehud.
Ehud: The Christmas Fever is on. Already making merry. Our Dear Savior was born, celebrating with fried chicken sauce and cherry. If I'm not wrong, you would bear with me that the month's still young, soon be watching movies like Catwoman; Hanny Berry, The Mask; Jim Carrey. Not forgetting Home Alone. And also calling loved ones on phone, united under the Christmas Glory. Due to the election results delay, people looking weary. Come on, get something better doing. Why the long face, why the worry?. Peace!
Thursday, 8 December 2016
Leaving Nothing Out VI
On this segment, we would like to share some of the funny comments on the election in Ghana. Let's get started.
Ama: Don't disturb me. I'm ironing my voters ID card and cleaning my nails at the saloon. Tomorrow somebody go cry!!!. Kwaku: See the way Ghana is quiet. Why is the EC writing names of talkers. Adwoa: In a land of choas and a time of waiting, the destiny of a confused nation, rest on the shoulders of a young woman. Her name, Charlotte Osei. Akosua: I cannot find the wale on the waakye, then someone whispered, Mahama awe. Kofi: Mahama Mahama I am here. Call the EC very quick. Charlotte Charlotte have I won. No Mahama you have lost. Akua: Mahama Will Go 1 & 2. Starring: John Dumelo, Mzbel, Kwame Dzokoto and Mr. Beautiful. Introducing: Aseidu Nketia. Director: John Dramani Mahama. Asistant Direction: Amissah Arthur. Music by: Shatta Wale. Kojo: Dear Patriots, the Electoral Commission is acting like a Legon lady. Have patience, you go chop am. Yaa: Carrot Osei wants to do kanana but still the battery is in the Lord. Kwesi: I agree with the EC boss to declare the results in 72hours time cause the winner is 72years. Kwame: The gap Nana Addo has given Mahama eh, not even tugyimi rice can close it. Gyan: Even Nana without assumng office has started creating jobs already. Five of my NDC friends are now motivational speakers.
Ama: Don't disturb me. I'm ironing my voters ID card and cleaning my nails at the saloon. Tomorrow somebody go cry!!!. Kwaku: See the way Ghana is quiet. Why is the EC writing names of talkers. Adwoa: In a land of choas and a time of waiting, the destiny of a confused nation, rest on the shoulders of a young woman. Her name, Charlotte Osei. Akosua: I cannot find the wale on the waakye, then someone whispered, Mahama awe. Kofi: Mahama Mahama I am here. Call the EC very quick. Charlotte Charlotte have I won. No Mahama you have lost. Akua: Mahama Will Go 1 & 2. Starring: John Dumelo, Mzbel, Kwame Dzokoto and Mr. Beautiful. Introducing: Aseidu Nketia. Director: John Dramani Mahama. Asistant Direction: Amissah Arthur. Music by: Shatta Wale. Kojo: Dear Patriots, the Electoral Commission is acting like a Legon lady. Have patience, you go chop am. Yaa: Carrot Osei wants to do kanana but still the battery is in the Lord. Kwesi: I agree with the EC boss to declare the results in 72hours time cause the winner is 72years. Kwame: The gap Nana Addo has given Mahama eh, not even tugyimi rice can close it. Gyan: Even Nana without assumng office has started creating jobs already. Five of my NDC friends are now motivational speakers.
Leaving Nothing Out V
On this segment we are trying to find out how people describe a good day or bad day. So let's get started.
Aliyah: I realize my day is gonna be good when I wake up and I just look cheerful for no reason. Max: I notice I have a bad day when I cannot get up from bed. And I don't get any calls from friends. Laila: My good day is when I hope that something good happens and it does. Gracie: My good day is when I eat to my satisfaction, my favorite dish. Reese: Bad day for me is when I got no credits and I'm not updated with any current news bulletin. Ivan: A bad day is when I go for a lecture and Teresa doesn't show up. Miguel: A bad day for me is, getting a lower mark in a course. Kyle: A good day is when everything you do seems to be on track. Colin: A bad day is when you have no idea on a paper you have. Shain: Good day for me is meeting the right people during the day. Tina: A good day for me is when I get free breakfast, lunch and supper from friends. Dick: A bad day for me is when something precious of mine gets missing. Helen: A good day for me is, a boy I have a crush on sitting next to me on a bus trip.
Aliyah: I realize my day is gonna be good when I wake up and I just look cheerful for no reason. Max: I notice I have a bad day when I cannot get up from bed. And I don't get any calls from friends. Laila: My good day is when I hope that something good happens and it does. Gracie: My good day is when I eat to my satisfaction, my favorite dish. Reese: Bad day for me is when I got no credits and I'm not updated with any current news bulletin. Ivan: A bad day is when I go for a lecture and Teresa doesn't show up. Miguel: A bad day for me is, getting a lower mark in a course. Kyle: A good day is when everything you do seems to be on track. Colin: A bad day is when you have no idea on a paper you have. Shain: Good day for me is meeting the right people during the day. Tina: A good day for me is when I get free breakfast, lunch and supper from friends. Dick: A bad day for me is when something precious of mine gets missing. Helen: A good day for me is, a boy I have a crush on sitting next to me on a bus trip.
Friday, 18 November 2016
Leaving Nothing Out IV
Monday, 14 November 2016
Leaving Nothing Out III
Welcome to leaving nothing out III segment. Hope you enjoyed our previous episodes. In this segment, we have stories people said about themselves and we want to know what word you would use to describe them. Let's get started.
Gwendolyn: I know wossop; unlike most of my female friends. Sometimes I wonder the kind of taste they have, that makes them dress in a type of way. I mean, I'm not trying to be judgemental or anything. It gets weird when we're all watching a Korean series and there's a guy in it and they are all stressing on how handsome he is. Meanwhile he looks so normal. It makes me always question my choice of friends.
Karla: I just don't like being around quiet people, cause I easily get bored. And I don't really like sticking around people whose words are full of filth, cause I easily get pissed by such words. I'm very straight-forward and I don't see the reason why people should beat around the bush with a proposal or friend request. I mean feel free and make your point and you will get your reply rather than expecting me to think for you. Who does that?
Gwendolyn: I know wossop; unlike most of my female friends. Sometimes I wonder the kind of taste they have, that makes them dress in a type of way. I mean, I'm not trying to be judgemental or anything. It gets weird when we're all watching a Korean series and there's a guy in it and they are all stressing on how handsome he is. Meanwhile he looks so normal. It makes me always question my choice of friends.
Karla: I just don't like being around quiet people, cause I easily get bored. And I don't really like sticking around people whose words are full of filth, cause I easily get pissed by such words. I'm very straight-forward and I don't see the reason why people should beat around the bush with a proposal or friend request. I mean feel free and make your point and you will get your reply rather than expecting me to think for you. Who does that?
Monday, 24 October 2016
Leave Nothing Out II
Episode II of Leave nothing out or say it all. In this segment, how topic is on parents. What do you think about them and how are yours like?
Teresa: For me, my dad is normally not around and I don't know what he is mostly up to. He's very reserved, talk less and does more action to prove his point. But my mama is very open, tells us more about her childhood and the mistakes she made that she wouldn't want us to repeat.
Melissa: For me, My mama is the fun type. I mean she always takes us out every Friday evening. Mostly to a cinema. My dad is also fun as well, he likes buying I and my siblings stuffs and he always makes sure we have enough money on us. Cause he doesn't want us to hustle as he did.
Kathy: I have nothing to say about my parents cause I don't share anything I go through with them. We all keep our thoughts to ourselves but when you are in trouble, you become a family topic of discussion for a week or more. And that will make you more careful next time. Apart from that, everyone minds their own business unless a special occasion brings us all together. Especially, a favorite tv show. If not then we all base in our rooms doing our own thing.
Teresa: For me, my dad is normally not around and I don't know what he is mostly up to. He's very reserved, talk less and does more action to prove his point. But my mama is very open, tells us more about her childhood and the mistakes she made that she wouldn't want us to repeat.
Melissa: For me, My mama is the fun type. I mean she always takes us out every Friday evening. Mostly to a cinema. My dad is also fun as well, he likes buying I and my siblings stuffs and he always makes sure we have enough money on us. Cause he doesn't want us to hustle as he did.
Kathy: I have nothing to say about my parents cause I don't share anything I go through with them. We all keep our thoughts to ourselves but when you are in trouble, you become a family topic of discussion for a week or more. And that will make you more careful next time. Apart from that, everyone minds their own business unless a special occasion brings us all together. Especially, a favorite tv show. If not then we all base in our rooms doing our own thing.
Leave Nothing Out
Welcome to our segment dabbed "Say it all or Leave nothing out". Our topic for today is about roommates. What do you think about them and any cons and pros comments you have.
Andy: I had this roommates who would just use anything of yours like it's his or like you are related or something. I had no problem with that but it was annoying.
Bryan: Had one who came along with a burner, stove, fridge, washing machine, iron, utensils, mop, broom. What else can you ask for? Lisa: Also had one that would wear my footwear and take my bag cause she didn't like any of hers. So you can imagine. And another who had so many friends that they had to visit her in groups. Jane: Mine did all the cooking in the room. I mean any food you would wanna eat she would cook for us all. So I never had to buy food outside as others did so much.
Andy: I had this roommates who would just use anything of yours like it's his or like you are related or something. I had no problem with that but it was annoying.
Bryan: Had one who came along with a burner, stove, fridge, washing machine, iron, utensils, mop, broom. What else can you ask for? Lisa: Also had one that would wear my footwear and take my bag cause she didn't like any of hers. So you can imagine. And another who had so many friends that they had to visit her in groups. Jane: Mine did all the cooking in the room. I mean any food you would wanna eat she would cook for us all. So I never had to buy food outside as others did so much.
Friday, 14 October 2016
Much Love

Tuesday, 11 October 2016
At first all we did was hook up. We weren't dating or in a relationship or anything as such. We just did what felt right in the moment. She kept on repeating that; friends with benefit wasn't really her thing. And neither was she ready for any serious relationship cause she had a lot going on with her. And I had issues myself to think of starting up a relationship knowing very well wouldn't last anyway. Cause anytime we were together we talked less and did more action. Even though we never went to the extreme as you thinking. The ultimate was kissing, the feeling was just intense anytime we lied close to each other. I could feel her boiling up. She tried keeping her distance, but the more she did the more she missed me. And that was how I knew it was meant to be.
A Little Bit
Partners in love, friendship and joy of living, that's what I pray for. But this is the truth to couples; You are not going to promise each other that you won't disappoint each other, because at a point you would. What is important, is that, you don't tear apart or go your separate ways when that time comes. So from now, keep telling each other; I won't give up on you, so don't give up on me. Note: Every woman deserves a man who respects her and every man deserves a woman who appreciates his efforts. One day someone will walk into your life and get it right when everyone
else got it wrong. One day you won't have to wait for a call or a text
back. One day you won't be the only one giving your all. One day you'll
finally meet someone who wants to help you grow in life. One day you'll
finally meet someone who isn't afraid to give "love" another chance. One
day you'll finally meet someone you can trust with everything. One day
you'll have your best friend, your biggest supporter and your teammate
all wrapped up into one person.
Ain't About the Fun
As for me and my homies, anytime we meet up all we do is have fun. My name is Jim and I'm on the left hand-side then Fred and Jose in that order. I'm a real estate agent, Fred is a dental surgeon and Jose works in his father's software company. When we at work, we are just invincible and when it comes to having fun, we indubitably are unstoppable. We surely are massive workaholics and the funny thing is when we coincidentally meet a lady at work whom we met at the club a week earlier, all they do is stand and stare in shock. Not knowing whether to wave, wink or smile. Surprisingly, we all dating and none of us is engaged yet. And we never go out to have fun without our ladies. I guess you wondering where they are right now?. They are the ones taking the pictures.
My Best Interest
I wouldn't call myself selfish cause I'm totally not. I only look out for myself when necessary. I mean everyone sacrifices ones in a while when required after taking certain things into consideration. So at the long run it all boils down to what your priorities are. Some don't really have set down priorities, they just move with the flow, if you know what I mean. Looking down on people is something I don't encourage. My point is, you've got to treat yourself right even if no one does it anymore. It's your responsibility to make sure you feel alright not someone else's. So if you ain't treating yourself right cause no one cares about you then you have to see a counselor or therapist cause it's suicidal. I'm just talking too much as if I know what I'm saying. Even though I don't, you are still making sense out of whatever message I'm carrying across. Hence, the whole idea is having self-confidence at your highest mode of doubt or perplexity. And that is the key. #Self-Value.
Monday, 3 October 2016
Tuesday, 27 September 2016
#True Talk (Reply)
You always know a way to render me speechless, especially when you begin talking to me like this. I totally accept my flaws and questionable attitude of late. But you know you can always count on my discretion. I have been having issues of late and very sorry for extending my despicable temperament towards you. I tried to keep my distance so as to not do anything sordid to hurt or agitate you. I should have opened up to you from the start so you would understand me. And I guess it's not late for me to do that so I'll do just that when we meet up today. Or if not I' ll go ahead and tell you straight away, I have been tested positive for STI. Lol, kidding.
#True Talk

Thursday, 22 September 2016
Should have seen this coming II

Boy: I have heard you. We can do this all day though or you can just come over and we would get this over with as you said.
Should have seen this coming

Boy: So you know I like sending messages as compared to talking. And you still make a big fuss out of this anyway?. Anytime you ask a question and I'm silent for a while and now ready to talk, you end up saying "it's okay" or "you can just message me as usual". Afterwards you complain I like sending messages. I mean, who does that?. Lemme put this aside and address the main issue. I wonder why when you say something to hurt me you don't realize it but after your very words triggers me to also say something in return, you turn up being the one offended. Forgetting that the words that came out of my mouth were as a result of hearing yours and processing it. As I told you earlier, I'm tired of this back and forth things we keep doing so if you want out, I won't hold you back but don't keep asking me, "I'm confused, what are we?". Just make your point.
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Truly, hardwork pays off.
Dream is free but reality is expensive, I choose Reality, cause my mama use to tell me, "Son, nothing good comes cheap so you gotta workout expensively to see it in reality. If it ain't worth the pain then it ain't worth the gain.
Life they say is not a race but some times you've got to wake up from your dream and chase after what you want, to make it a reality.
Don't take the easy way out. Don't quit because anybody can quit, but not anybody can keep pressing on. The easy way is to quit, but the hard way is to press on and keep pushing. I choose the hard way. What do you choose?
Life they say is not a race but some times you've got to wake up from your dream and chase after what you want, to make it a reality.
Don't take the easy way out. Don't quit because anybody can quit, but not anybody can keep pressing on. The easy way is to quit, but the hard way is to press on and keep pushing. I choose the hard way. What do you choose?
I couldn't hold back the Laughter
I usually visit Roy at 9pm everyday and sometimes I meet his friend Kofi. He barely speaks to me, at times he just winks at me and nothing more. I never knew he could talk that much until today. I think he was returning a game-pad and he saw me laying my head on Roy while we watched a movie. And he started his vibes, I quote:
"You are looking very sweet today o!. I like your dress, I mean I really like the way is short and all that. And purple color does suits you though. Anyways I'm heading towards my room, I think you should come visit me today. Don't worry my roommates are all gone out. I can take you through some salsa lessons since you look all dressed up for it already. And besides, I supply Roy with movies so you can imagine the amount of nice movies I have in store for you. And looking at the way you interested in the movie you two are watching I can also tell the type of movies you are into. But all jokes aside, you are a very fine girl. Haven't taken a good look at you until today. You even have spotless legs, which is extremely rear amongst ladies today. From the way you are laughing, I can tell you would love to know me more. Don't worry I'll take your number from Roy. I'll be in my room if you need me. And it's room 44, just in case".
"You are looking very sweet today o!. I like your dress, I mean I really like the way is short and all that. And purple color does suits you though. Anyways I'm heading towards my room, I think you should come visit me today. Don't worry my roommates are all gone out. I can take you through some salsa lessons since you look all dressed up for it already. And besides, I supply Roy with movies so you can imagine the amount of nice movies I have in store for you. And looking at the way you interested in the movie you two are watching I can also tell the type of movies you are into. But all jokes aside, you are a very fine girl. Haven't taken a good look at you until today. You even have spotless legs, which is extremely rear amongst ladies today. From the way you are laughing, I can tell you would love to know me more. Don't worry I'll take your number from Roy. I'll be in my room if you need me. And it's room 44, just in case".
Friday, 16 September 2016
A friend I just met online

Tuesday, 13 September 2016
Will she come over?
It was Friday evening, my roommates were all gone out on their own personal expeditions. So I thought of hitting Ivy up to come over straight away but I didn't want to sound desperate. I'm in the room alone, I messaged her, attaching a bored face. Minutes later she replied, "Okay, enjoy". To be frank, I was totally thrown off-guide, knowing not what to say, so I left the message unattended to. Minutes later, I messaged her other number, "Wish you were here with me right now". But after I clicked send, I read the message again and realized how lousy it sounded. Hence, I paused for 5minutes, she seemed not to reply as I already predicted. Obviously, she would be waiting for a message of clarification, if not she would call just to check up, wanting to hear what I'm driving at with the messages. But I wouldn't bring up the topic of wanting her to come over so she hangs up after checking up on me. What is my next move now?, I ask myself. Please are you coming?, I send her another message. I bet she's shaking her head right now. Even though she knows very well where I'm driving at with my messages, she pretends not to, so she replies saying, "Coming where?". Just be straight forward with her, I always say to myself. If she wants to come, she will come. About the time I was, my roommates were back. Never mind, I messaged her. Oh!, you too talk, she replied.
Toya, My Soul Mate.
It's kind of funny how we became friends. It just happen all of a sudden. I always wonder where I got that courage from?. It was the first day of year 1 student's registration. I was about the 20th person in the queue and we were over 100 people registering, so you can imagine how long the queue was. I saw signs of shock and lost of hope written all over her face. She couldn't tell where the queue was starting from to talk of where it ended at. When she got to where I was standing she stopped to check the queue again, and I was like, please you are in front of me. Where did you go?, cause I have been calling you since. She smiled and stared at me confused, then I made a space for her to stand just right in front of me. She dashed right in smiles and told me her name was Toya. I'm also Twista I replied. She was a little fair with a sweet-scented perfume, had sleek and long natural hair, infectious smile, cute fingernails and she kept throwing her hands left and right in my face whilst she talked. She was really full of gestures. Could tell she wore size 38 footwear cause she was very cute, cherubic with average weight. Not so tall, she was around 5.8 feet tall. Loved her curly eyebrows with her silky pink lips. She kept flipping her hair backwards after every 50secs. After four hours of standing she started leaning on me claiming she was tired and asked if I didn't mind. Oh come on, was wondering when you would even start leaning on me, I replied. We both burst out laughing. She told me, she was reading computer science, at republic hall, room 69 and would be expecting to see me often. You will see so much of me you will start sucking me soon, I responded. We burst out laughing again.
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Trendy Ideas II
Two years later, Toya finds out the house, car, Tim had was all on credit and that 5million was subtracted from his account every month until 2018. And that his 20million salary increase was a lie. She was in shock the whole week, wondering how he could keep up with the lie for 2years without her noticing. Cause every bit of their lifestyle had changed thanks to the promotion, "Tim lied about". So where was the money coming from?. She remembered how the past 2years had been the best good living years of her life and it was all based on a lie. After a week more, she discovered Tim had a part-time job to cover for the salary increase he claimed but he didn't still earn much. She then confronted him and finally broke up with him. I noticed you wanted to leave me, and you'being the best thing that has ever happened to me. Couldn't imagine my life without you and how far we've come. That is why I came up with that lie. I know you will never trust me again nor be with me but I did it to see your smile that keeps me going every morning and your presence that gives me a reason to strive harder. These were Tim's last words. Toya left him anyway, but a year later he finally was promoted to chief cashier.
Trendy Ideas
Toya was ready to tell Tim, she couldn't continue the relationship no more. They have been dating since year 2 in western university and this time around she felt like she needed a real man. And that Tim wasn't ready yet since his pay was just 5million higher than hers and he is still finding his feet. She was happy when Tim sent her a message this afternoon that they needed to talk. She felt this was the right time to lay it all out. So they got there, kissed and hugged liked they use to do back in university. Toya was really feeling the vibe awakening. In the middle of dinner, Tim said, I have something telling you and Toya replied, me too but you go on with yours first. So he went on, I have been working on this promotion at work for a couple of months now and today I was promoted to chief cashier. Now my pay is 20million higher. In addition, I was given a house, car and weekly allowance, couldn't wait to tell you this. So what did you want to tell me , he concluded. I also wanted to tell you that we should be doing this often and that you've really made my day, Toya replied.
Monday, 5 September 2016

For me, meeting up with friends once in a while is something is look forward to every vacation. Whilst some people entirely delete contacts of high school and college friends after graduation. I on the other hand, hold on to my close ones and let go of the situational friends. I do also say hello to every familiar face from all the schools I attended. I see it to be unnecessary preferring one over another based on physical appearances. Cause from experience, I have noticed that most rich people even look simpler. So judging from appearance isn't always right. Pretending you've not seen a friend you know very well, whom is waving at you from a distance is dreadful. Just a smile or a wave back wouldn't acidify your personality. Wonder why some people see themselves as highly-rated and wouldn't want to mingle with just anyone. Even sitting beside a mechanic in a taxi is against their code of conduct. They don't want to be seen amalgamating with nerds or poor sense of fashion people. Some hide their family pictures from their phones, being it their dad, mom, brother or sister. Others delete pictures of where they stay or church from their phones. It's a good thing to aim high but what good is it, to look down on others. Jesus himself, was a humble man.
Trying to make things right but you keep pushing me away. I know I really hurt you and I'm truly sorry. It would never happen again. Please forgive me and let's continue from where we ended. I beg you, don't say we should put our friendship on hold cause I wouldn't be able to live with that. I have become very fond of you and cannot go a day without hearing from you. I never wished of us ending up like this, neither did I plan this. My words may not move you but I'm willing to go an extra mile to make up for it. I didn't mean to say what I said. Please forgive me. Wish I could do something to convince you right this moment to show how I have regretted my actions. I'm begging you, don't let this get in the way of how far we've come. It wasn't my intention to hurt you. Give me a second chance to prove myself. Please don't hold this against me forever. Please don't let this mistake of mine hunt me for the rest of my life. Find it in your heart to forgive me even if we cannot start straight away from where we left of. We can start all over from scratch. Please don't completely ignore me. I'm begging you.
Just to let you know; I also do have a lot of options lately. I have noticed the kind of attitude you putting up these days. Don't know how it started or why but it's really not nice. It's very obvious you don't care that much about what I do think anymore. You do things how you please and don't consider my reactions or it's implications. I always see the disturbed look on your face when I reciprocate your actions. But that doesn't make me any better. Cause I don't want to end hurting everyone I care about around me like you do. And you come back acting like everything is fine as if you did nothing wrong. Like you see me around and totally ignore me, then you message me the following day saying "Good morning honey, how you doing?". Like seriously, I ain't good at pretending and I'm not ready to start now. Just be normal around me. And please don't think for me; enough of the "I thought".
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
I'm not really into guys of my age anymore. I see them not to be serious cause they don't know what they actually want. None of them want to settle, they all want to have fun and I just don't want that. You'll never know what they thinking. Cause they may be claiming they love you, when all they want is to have fun with you. Now I want someone who is ready to settle. Ma eyes are wide open, lost interest in campus guys. Have had enough experiences with them. Besides, they have a career to build and wouldn't want to burden themselves planning their future with someone else, when they are still figuring out theirs. Therefore my resolution for this year has changed. Targeting guys who are working and relationship minded. Obviously, not just any gentleman cause I'm not just any lady. But for now, specifications are not required until I have quite a number to choose from. And by the end of the year, I would have gotten quite a number to pick one from. I need a gentleman not a fresh boy. Deceitful men are warned.
Monday, 22 August 2016
You'll never know

Sunday, 21 August 2016
Loving the woman I'm becoming day in day out. I see the smirk on my mama's face from time to time especially when she stare's at me every Sunday morning. My old friends meet me and the very first word they pronounce is "Wow!". The annoying part is the harassment from guys, it's rib-tickling when I'm in the mood and vastly deviling when I'm not. Those I completed High school with are always saying, I have really changed. Especially the way I dress and talk. They are trying to say I'm more sober these days. Shaking my head!. I did have crazy moments in high school so I get their point regardless of the fact that I think they are being sarcastic. I mean come on, people change but everyone is making it seem as if I have massively changed but I'm still the same irrespective of my change in physical appearance.
Sister's Love

Shelden's Story

Thursday, 18 August 2016
Sent a close friend of mine a customized good-morning message with her picture on it. I used crimson for the background cause that's her favorite color. And amperzand font style is what I used for the writings since she's into fancy stuffs. The only problem is, she isn't easily impressed so it took me roughly 45minutes to get it all done. Had to make sure the layout was a little sophisticated. Inserted a couple of emojis to create a little sense of humor. It looked a little quixotic and comical at the same time. After I was done, I paused for a moment, stared at it and admired my creativity. Then I remembered the quotation in the Bible that said after God had finished with creation, He looked at everything He had made, and was very pleased. (Gen.1:31). I went ahead to forward this splendid self-composed custom-made message to her, awaiting a response that would lighten up my day. I waited and waited and there was none so I put my mind off it. Later in the day, I received a message from her. I looked and it said "Ei you" and I replied. Then she climaxed it by saying, "I'm sure you've sent same to all the numerous girls on your phone. You think I'll praise you, please I'm not moved okay". There and then my immune system broke down and rebooted 3hours later.
Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Tuesday, 16 August 2016
Straighten up
Monday, 15 August 2016
Lesson Learnt

Sunday, 14 August 2016
Proposal Trend

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