It's been a while since I blogged. It's not like I didn't want to. I just didn't have time, blah blah blah. But I've learnt a lot so much that if I tell you, you'll be shocked. And I have tons of stuffs to share it's all time. Working for God is not easy and serving Him is not either. if you are a Christian and you're not doing anything like one or your Sundays are like holidays. Then I think you're not a Christian. Because it is work that God expects that we work for Him while we young and there is time to. Gosh!, I could go on forever. I am still learning and there's a lot to, like Faith. What is my life if I work for Him but have no Faith in whom I work for? So you see?. There is quite a lot to learn. But I learnt something this week. That it doesn't hurt to believe. Just do. A friend of mine, Gloria, had a mysterious leg pain two days ago. This has nothing to do with science. She was very fine a day before the pain started. I prayed for her and I believed. Honestly, I don't think I had believed that much. but I wouldn't call it try and error either cause it wasn't. Before I prayed, I told her to also pray too and believe. I think her Faith helped in her healing too. Faith works. It really does. There is a God up there. It pleases Him when we have Faith in Him. And I know, He would never fail us if we do.
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