No one wishes to know the other me, the other me that sparkles every heart desire. The other me that yearns for my voice to be heard in the forest of others. I loved you once and I won't love you twice. Henceforth, I will tell you what I think and not pretend to be nice. I dislike you now and I can dislike you over and over. You are irreplaceable and guess what? You have been replaced because someone has heard me now. And He loves me just as I am, without beauty, sexiness, curves and edges, cuteness, pink lips, admirable shape, soft and tender skin, spotless face, cherubic personality, seraphic voice, charming appearance, prim attitude, sarcastic remarks, nipping pretense as His marking scheme. And He never tries to groom me to something I'm not. He appreciates my capabilities and loves me dearly for whom I am. He admires my efforts and never let's me go nor judges my every move. He's always patient with me and attends to my needs with perfect timing. Never lets me down nor gives me excuses. His name is Jesus. And He loves you too. The love that never dies out like your love for me did.
���������������� well said! There's no one in this world who can ever love us like JESUS loves us! His love so unconditional and undying. Never deceiving but always faithful!
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ReplyDeleteIn deed the Love of Jesus surpasses all, cause He Himself is Love. That is why my everyday prayer is, Heavenly Father, let your love reflect through me.
ReplyDeleteAmen!!! yes a prayer that should be our number 1 priority everyday!