I waited so long to tell you this and I think this is the perfect time to get this off my chest. I hereby denounce you as my comforter, consultant, counselor, sympathizer, protagonist, well-wisher, entertainer etc. I just realized I can live my life with your full-absence since I used to you not being around anyway. And when you do come around, you act as if everything is okay. You walk in and out as you please. I don't need to count on you for anything anymore cause you've actually not been there for me when I needed you. You always had a good excuse and I always accepted it. But no more, I have found someone who cares about me. Therefore I happily end our love life and greatly wish you all the best in all your endeavors. I don't want to know anything about your private life anymore. We are now just hello-hello friends. So henceforth, keep your distance and I would gladly keep mine as well. It's been good knowing you and I have learned a lot from you. You've been a lesson in my life, that I would never forget. See you around.
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