I was very much intrigued when I read the Book of Jonah. That God would choose someone so obtuse as Jonah. Who was a prophet yet lacked the knowledge of the omnipresence of God. I always marvel at the kind of mindset he had that led him to think of running away from the sight of God. Was he okay at all or he knew nevertheless did that on purpose?. Cause I remember vividly that when he was caught in the boat by the sailors he made mention that, I quote I am a Hebrew, I worship the Lord, the God of heaven, who made the land and the sea. Yet he went on to tell them that he was running away from his God. He is so annoying. Meaning he knew very well what he was doing was meaningless all the same he did it anyway. He really wanted to do something that would change God's mind of sending him, forgetting God knows our thoughts and heart. Cause he knew very well the storm was because of him. When I read further I realized he even wanted to die other than to follow the instructions of God. That he went on to tell them to throw him into the water and that the storm would cease. I guess God would be in heaven and be laughing whilst watching Jonah all along and He would say, Whatever you do it's you I'm sending. Don't be like Jonah and act all smart on God.
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