Truth be told, the first time I got over 500 likes on Facebook was when I took a picture just like this very one. Until now people still comment on that picture. So I started giving my viewers what they wanted every once in a while that I felt bored. All I need to do is to take a catchy picture and the funny comments would start flowing. I wonder why guys like such pictures so much. I never go out without a man complimenting on my stature. It got to a time all I wore was dashiki to keep all eyes away from me a little. I don't usually wear fitting dresses anymore. I normally walk with my head facing down even though I still notice the men staring. I just do that to ignore them calling me. I use to like shorts and crop top a lot but now I only wear them occasionally and at home. I just don't like too much attention or people staring, it changes the way I walk and I don't like that. I'm much more comfortable in loose dresses and I don't wear clothes that I'm uncomfortable with. But all the same, who cares!.
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