There are a lot of things we do not take notice of but are still a big part of us anyway. As my father always says, "The fact that you don't watch or read about what is really going on around you doesn't mean nothing goes on". Get to know what goes on around you and you will know how to deal with them the best way.
Monday, 30 April 2018
Crazy Charley II
Ortega: This is the second time Melissa is calling my line. But I haven't gotten my words right so I cannot pick up. If I pick up and tell her I'm here already, I would look very desperate, and I have too much ego to allow that happen. I can hear sounds from her room, lemme get closer once again. Melissa's room: "Rita speaking; "Ortega isn't picking up?. I told you there was something wrong with the way you conveyed the message. And that guy has too much ego that he may decide to come, yet come late so that he wouldn't look desperate, as most guys wouldn't mind coming straight away." Candy speaking; "I don't know why you are stressing over this boy, Melissa. Kofi, is just right on the top floor, call him. You know he has a thing for you, and stop waiting for this Ortega guy, whose slowing down our movements here". Melissa speaking; "Lemme try his number one last time". (I quickly switched my call waiting mode off, then I called Irene.) Ortega: Hello Irene, do you think it's necessary to take a condom if a girl calls you to come watch a porn collection with her roommates and their guys present?. Irene: "You always call to get tips for your ladies. I'm not a lady as well right?. #Anor bore!. Copy a scene on a pendrive, we'll also watch together some other time. Back to the question; take a condom, it would make her know you came prepared. Even if you don't take one, she has one ready for you from the guys present. Just take one, else you would look like a slow guy". Ortega: Immediately, I switched airplane mood on and off, just to prevent me from replying Irene, cause I had no reply for her. Melissa is calling back again, got to go, bye.
Saturday, 28 April 2018
Crazy Charley I
Ortega: Charley, Melissa just called that she has got a whole collection of porn, so I should come let's watch. I'm a little confused right now cause it sounds too good to be true, even though, I'm dying to go. It's like my shadow has taken the lead; leaving my body behind. Everything within me; including my spine is pushing me to go and stop wasting time. But hold on, what if it's a trap?. Okay, I can go over and pretend as if I was already coming for the earpiece I left with her last week, just to see if she ain't messing around with me. Besides, I wouldn't even know how to tell my study group peeps about what I'm off to do, and I'm used to telling them the truth. That isn't really my problem now. My problem is that, I didn't bring a penny to group study meeting today. If I borrow and take uber all the way to her hostel and it's just one of those things, I would definitely be pissed. I'm sure you get what I mean, when I say, "one of those things". If not, figure it out then!. Why do I always have to spoon feed you with information that are obvious to tell?. Anyways, what was I saying?. Errmmm, as we're speaking now I'm almost at her door though. Oh!, so you were thinking I was waiting for your opinion on this matter?. Nope, I wasn't. Because, you're a boy and I'm a boy, so obviously our thinking would be the same. Lemme call Irene and get a lady's view on this matter. It's not too late to turn around and go back to my hostel, since I haven't knocked on her door yet. Wait a minute!, another guy just bypassed me to knock on her door. Her roommate opened and he entered. The lights are off, and it looks as if there is a projected video on the wall. Let me go closer!. I can hear sounds but it's not very audible. It's just a woman moaning; sounds more like porn. Okay, she's calling my number. Got to go, bye.
Wednesday, 25 April 2018
Monday, 23 April 2018
Jake: Charley, I don't really have a problem. I would make any sacrifice just for her sake, if only it wouldn't be beyond my capability. Notwithstanding the fact that, a lot of things she asks for are beyond my capability; I would still give it a try anyway. Sometimes, I laugh at all the dump things I've done in the name of love. None of them went to waste; truth be told. She gave me back so much love I could ever wish for. So much that, she sometimes came over just to cheer me up; imagine that. Other times, she would come over cause she was bored. Whatever the reason was for her coming over, it all worked together for my good. The only times she never came over, were the times I would pester her to come. I mean, who would want to come?. Now we are world's apart and I miss her everyday. I would not let her know though, cause what difference would it make?. She would only credit herself at the end of the day and I have too much ego to contain that. I would keep my mouth shut even if it kills me. I know the feeling would eventually die out with time. On a more serious note, I do miss her a lot. And I think I have to give her a call and see how things go. I may take a bus to go see her, depending on how things play out. She's really unpredictable when it comes to things like these. I think I'm getting my hopes up too much, which makes the chances of me getting my heartbroken very high.
Sunday, 22 April 2018
Gerardo: So I bought a pack of condom today. Oh okay, I know that judgemental look. I guess you went ahead to draw up your conclusion without hearing out the whole story. Its alright though, I'm not telling you why I bought it. Whatever you thought was the reason why is true, we shall meet in heaven. Laugh out loud!. At least, try and fake a smile before you continue reading; help a brother out. Oh okay!, I guess you have no sense of humour at the moment. Anyways, I entered this pharmacy shop to visit a new friend. She does her part time job there; which is a couple of metres from my hostel. She always complains of seeing me pass by, but I never enter. I did tell her its because I've been very healthy by Grace. Nevertheless, I decided to dedicate 10minutes of my time for her cause the way I was hungry, I was sure if I waited 2hours more I would have collapsed, and she would have thought I was sick. I sat down and we begun our usual chat pattern which is none of your business. 10minutes was up eventually, I stood up to leave and she was like;" so won't you buy anything?". I guess you can tell the rest of the story, since that is your speciality. In any case, I laughed and replied that, what could I possibly buy from a pharmacy; besides I came to visit. Jokingly, I said, okay, give me a pack of condom, just to see how she would react. To my surprise, she only smiled, walked straight to the back and came out with one. The look on her face said, "Oh so that is why you came after all". I said I was only joking but this girl wouldn't listen. She started giving me lectures of why it is important I should have one as a boy. And that I should always keep it in my wallet. I said, I don't even like walking around with my wallet. She said, now you have a reason to.
Friday, 20 April 2018
Akua: This is the period where couples get to know whom they actually married. Being it sexually, financially, spiritually, academically, among others. Think about this carefully; at this point, there is no holding back and there is nothing to lose either, so definitely the couple wouldn't need to keep up with any impressions. Also, all kinds of secrets are revealed as well, especially from ex's or rivals. Which wouldn't be 100% true but it would still get the other partner thinking; depending on the caliber of message being conveyed across. Truth be told, couples get a clearer picture of how their marriage journey is going to be like. Mostly, the latter days of honeymoons are the moments when the actual life journey which the couple planned earlier on during courtship is elaborated better. Hereby, true intentions are being disclosed. Some plan their divorce right from honeymoon. They draw up a 2years/5years/10years plan, with all their benefits and resources attainable intact awaiting the divorce date. Notwithstanding, this moment is described the best moments of marriages. It's more like living the fantasy you always wished for until it ends, and you are awaken to reality once more. Because during this stage, all life problems and issues are put on hold. Full concentration is given to means and ways of enjoyment. That is why most marriages start off in debt cause they spend the little money after their wedding also on the honeymoon; ending up with nothing eventually. It's basically all about choosing the right partner though and life after honeymoon would be stress-free, figuratively.
Tuesday, 17 April 2018
Hopes Up
Pinky: I'm gonna stay stronger more than ever. I don't know how but I still got my hopes up and my gut never fails me. Just as I can tell whenever something is up with her. It's easy to tell you may think but it ain't that easy to be sensitive to little things. I guess I'm always bothered about her well-being, but, who is, when it comes to me?. Well I'm always all by myself in my darkest hours; having to keep myself strong with the notion that "joy cometh in the morning". Sometimes I gather all my tears and cry, "all in one". All I need to do is to just gather my sorrow, find a day and time, and pour it all out. Cause there's too much pain I've got to get out of my system. One thing I've realised is that, the more the pain piles up, the more little things people do hurt you the most. And you begin to find patterns and be relating things they did months ago, trying to add up unnecessary traits. It ain't easy, charley, but we will still make it anyway. It really hurts when the one you love don't meet your expectations of going about things; especially on special occasions, so everyday is treated as one. Even when they have free time on their hands, they occupy themselves with something either than you. In simple terms; they don't celebrate you. Nevertheless, still get your hopes up!. Rainy day Ahead!
Tiwa: I'm a big emotional now cause I think you missed out on the happy moments of my life. How I wish you were here to see how my life turned out so fine. God bless you for being there for me whenever I needed a helping hand. At times, I even felt like I was using you, since you never asked for anything in return, for your ravishing favors. I wonder why we didn't end up together, cause my feelings for you were genuine. I really admired the person you were and the person you were becoming. I don't really recall ever having a problem with your appearance cause you were always spot on. Hair well-brushed, flip flops always neat and attire well-ironed and all that. Everyone kept on saying, we looked so good together, until you didn't like us walking together anymore, cause people started talking. Okay, I think I remember what I didn't like about you now. You never tried to mingle with my friends whenever you came over and they were around. You would always either leave and come back later or leave earlier than usual, which made them think they were the reason why. They didn't know you like I did, so I always gave them the benefit of the doubt. How's Canada anyway?. Belgium is fine, thanks for asking. Let's get in touch soon yeah!.
Internal Bleeding
Pam: I wouldn't want you to change anything about you because I'm use to the way you are now and wouldn't want you to make any adjustments, concerning acting cold towards me and all the emotions that comes with it. I wouldn't know what to do if you decided not to care anymore or to rather not share what's on your mind from time to time. Truth be told, it hurts me every time I feel left out of the updates on your day-to-day routines. I would write a whole book if you are willing to read about the reasons why I love you. There is a lot of love in my heart for you, regardless if you doubt me or cannot seem to realise it per my actions. Concerning my actions, please don't look far; judge from the little things I do for you. For example: me come running whenever you need me, checking up on you frequently, me trying to get you the things you like, me telling you about my day without you asking. And if I could afford to do something big for you, I would have. But I noticed you have another in mind. Please don't do that to me. You know I'm selfish with you and would wish you would accept me for the ambitious slim guy that I am, so we can make it in life together by sharing our goals and visions. Wouldn't that be a sight?. But why do you want to break my heart by choosing another over me?. Kindly consider how far we've come. Why can't you be with me?. What is with me you don't want so I change?. I would go an extra mile just for your love. And I know you do love me, so let's make it official to drive them all away.
Thug: I think its heartbreaking when another guy is all over your lady or vice versa, and all you can do is watch and pray she gets rid of him sooner, before it affects your mood. I understand you perfectly, if you say he can still do something about it. Of course he can, but wouldn't that create a scene?. Personally, I think its better if the guy gives his lady the opportunity to handle herself cause I'm quite sure she does that better in his absence. And that the guy can only step in when the lady either signals him or he thinks things are getting way out of hand. Even with that, I think he should ask his lady first if she can take care of the situation & that he is just an eye blink away if she needs any help. He totally has the right to interfere whenever he pleases though. That could at least indirectly send a message that he has his eye on her. To cut everything short, he can also signal her to come; as if he has an important message to tell her, just to get her away from him. And I think the lady should be conscious enough to notice her guy's signals or change of mood. Some people say, as for me my man isn't the jealous type. But should that be a VISA also?. Cannot tell if you disagree with me on this. I would love to know your opinion though.

Friday, 13 April 2018
Yearning for a Connection
Hansen: I joined up in a new class on some transfer thing I ended up doing eventually. Everyone in this new class was kind of ganged up or something, whereby they were in groups of sixes and sevens. But there was this fine lady who was like a part of every group kind of thing. She was almost free with everybody which was very unlikely in the class. She just caught my attention and I really wanted to befriend her and all. But she was too eloquent yet open but I just couldn't master courage to talk to her face to face. I came up with a strategy though, I decided to WhatsApp her. If she replies, fine, if not then its not meant to be. I figured out her number after a couple of minutes on the class WhatsApp group page. I drew up the pattern the conversation would gear towards, with every response and reply predicted just in case things go south. To my surprise, she replied faster than I expected. We begun chatting and the conversation was pretty smooth. Until I had nothing else to say after a week, and the conversation pattern I drew up was exhausted. It wasn't so useful anyway but at least it provided the topics I could come up with. I guess I was so excited that I didn't want the conversation to end so instead of closing up, I started saying things that made me look creepy. It almost sounded like I was proposing at a point. She immediately zoned me and her response and gestures towards me changed uprightly. Suddenly, I knew I had messed up big time and didn't know how to fix things no more. We resulted to hi's and hello's and even with that she would reply a day or two later. I just decided to give up on everything and abort mission of pursue. It's been exactly a year now and she just called me for the first time out of the blue. (Kofi Wusu me na menie!) Lol!
Boys Talk II
Richie: I mean, its kind of a weird experience though. Freezing when someone tells you; I love you. It's very disheartening. But the problem was that I didn't freeze because I didn't feel the same way, even though I wouldn't doubt the fact that she loves me more. That's the point I was trying to make that she didn't understand. I froze because that was my first time hearing it from a lady, and for some reason I thought she was just kidding, because we mess around a lot. So for some reason I laughed, but she had this serious face on for a long time. And that made me freak out a little, so I was like, Oh! so she's not messing around then. Before I could open my mouth to respond she had gotten up and entered the washroom. She later returned a few minutes afterwards with a total different topic. She refused to revisit the statement she just made no matter how hard I tried to rewind the conversation. And we never revisited the topic up until now. I guess she wasn't any longer interested per my reaction. She didn't want to listen to any explanation at all. She said she was fine with the expression she got and that no further explanation was needed. So we went along with the friendship title but deep down we knew we meant more to each other than just being friends. But she said, she didn't want to get her heart broken so prevention was safe and her choice was final. The problem now was that, anytime she saw me with another girl and we were having a good time, her facial expression said it all about the way she felt. But what could I have done?. I did try my best but I guess my best wasn't enough for her. Didn't know what to do no more.
Saturday, 7 April 2018
Boys Talk
From My Heart
James: I ain't denying the fact that I love you. Even though, you finding it difficult to see. Cause if I don't then why would I be going through all this hustle trying to get you to believe?. I must say that as at now I do have this notion that our definition of love is from two diverse angles. Making it difficult for us to see eye to eye when it comes to love. But it still takes two to tangle and I ain't want nobody but you. When I'm with you I just feel alive in all my five senses. Indeed, I love all your curves and edges and I love the way you make me feel special sometimes and put my needs above yours. Even though, you ain't in the mood . Girl, I know you love me but why can't you see that I love you too. What do I do that clouds your judgement or question my love for you?. Okay, I can relate to that if that is how you feel. Cause I doubt your love sometimes. Oh yes!, I do. When I see the way you relate with other guys, I just cannot tell the difference between me and them. The response and gestures are mostly the same. Be it text message, phone call or whatever. So I do get you if you're seeing things from that perspective. But if not then you should enlighten me cause my love for you is more than your love for me. And I thought you should know.
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