Wednesday 12 April 2017

Justin's Opinion

Justin: I cannot stop laughing right now. Now you've understood what I meant by giving this girl some space. You are always up in her business. Leaving your apartment to her place just to listen to her talk about things that doesn't concern you in anyway. Is not that you make any impart in her life by just listening to her talk. And if it's someone she wants to talk to, she can just call and you are not the only one Does she even take any advice from you afterwards?. Laugh out loud. For me, I can be very free with you but everyone has his or her limit. If you cross yours, that is the end. We would be very free but not that free, if you know what I mean. So she actually asked you after apologizing if you had focus in life?. Then what shows she is even sorry. I don't blame her though, I blame you. Now you are thinking straight.

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