Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Don't say it when you don't mean it

I think I have a little problem with forgiving people. Cause sometimes I just don't get why they would do that if they really cared about me. What splits my heart into two is when they promise they wouldn't do that again and I take their word for it and end up getting hurt again. I mean who does that. Sometimes I think I met the wrong people through my journey in life cause they are destroying certain aspects of me that would be useful when I meet the right people. "Lord, please give me the heart to withhold through these tough times and keep me away from fake people". Cause it's difficult to tell the mindset of people lately. I mean you maybe taking the person's word for it and all you know they have been planing something evil against you all along. And when I think everything through after they end up hurting me, I just don't know if I should forgive them. Cause compared to other people they are the ones that know me better and they know for sure what hurts me and they end up doing just that. And that baffles me.

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