Saturday, 19 May 2018

Time to Time

Gyan: I have no problem with my girl talking to herself from time to time. But it gets​ scary when we are in the room and all of a sudden she bursts out; talking to herself. I'm just curious on how your reaction would be like if you are in a room with someone and they keep talking aloud but to themselves. An extreme case scenario is when she keeps talking to herself for five minutes non-stop. Ignoring any comments I make on the subject she's talking about. She acts as if she is in a trance, ignoring me totally, but the funny part is, she is able to reply a message whenever one pops up during such moments. Usually I don't really care if someone talks to themselves occasionally. Cause the ones I have been experiencing are mostly undertone and self-related, and do not require any external opinions​, which is very unlike hers. Hers is loud, irritating if you're​ busy doing something important and it sounds more like an enquiry which demands a response. I'm propelled to reply and then after she ignores me, I realise I'm not the one she's talking to. I think an example will help, let's say she is watching a movie and someone she knows pops up, she would burst out saying; "Isn't this Angelina Jolie?, It looks like her, I think I have watched her acting a similar role in a different movie but I have forgotten the title". Wouldn't you have responded if you were in the same room with her?. Now you see I'm not just nagging.

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