Alex: Sincerely, my prayer is that you never fall into any trouble this year. It's very hard to recover after falling into trouble these days. Cause everyone is busy looking out for themselves, caring little about others. It's not like we don't care, we do a lot, but it's difficult putting others first when we might get affected alongside. Its quite a painful thing to experience, it changes your thinking, mindset and perspective about humans. Many people after getting out of trouble, do so with trust issues and its very difficult recovering from that. An example: Kwesi tells Akua, his parents would be away this weekend so they could step out without worries. Akua gives him the idea of getting Kwame, Ama, Yaa and Kojo to join them in his house instead. And that they could just order pizza and drinks and have a movie night, play truth or dare, pick and act, dare-devil and many other interesting games. He does and it ends up becoming such a memorable event, they got to bond really well and had some lonely times with themselves as well. Kwesi directed every pair into their room after playing the dare-devil game. There was a lot of noise during that game actually, which would have drawn their neighbors attention, cause they were made to do crazy things they never thought of doing. Yaw nearly broke up with Ama during the game, cause she gave Kwesi a hand-job while wearing his boxers, yet it was just mind-blowing. Yaw was also made to dance with Yaa, to Wendy Shay's song, and the kind of moves that evolved during this dance is not something healthy to disclose. Kwame and Ama were made to kiss, which was lovely to watch, then every pair started making-out as well in the dark. Finally, everyone was in their seperate rooms until morning. They all had a nice chat in the morning, had breakfast and departed to their various houses. Kwesi decided to go escort Akua, then Kwesi's father called that they were infront of the house. Kwesi had to run home, on his way he called each of his friends to check if they left anything behind. They were a bit skeptical if they did, but Kwame said he might have left his condom and sperms all over the bed-spread, Yaa said her night wear too and the worst of all was that; none of them rearranged the place before leaving. Kwesi's mind was all over the place, knowing not what to say if asked what happened. He began praying, cause he remembered his Sunday School teacher use to say, "Prayer is the key". A whole week passed and none of his friends called to ask what happened to him, whether he found a way out or he was punished. None of them also helped him out with what to say either. All of them just stayed quiet, waiting for him to call so they would ask what happened. So tell me, after this experience, do you think Kwesi would risk doing anything for his friends again?. This wasn't even that serious of a trouble and they all left him hanging.
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