Thursday, 26 January 2017

When it comes to emotional matters

When it comes to emotional matters, I fumble at making my own decisions and therefore seek for another's counsel. But when someone is going through an emotional stress, I tend to be of good ears and able to suggest a suitable solution for them. Which seems to work out as I predicted and they are marveled by that and show great gratitude for my impact. Many friends I have helped out on numerous occasions, even going a step further to write an occasional message for them to give to their loved ones, including apologetic messages. All they need to do is describe their situation and I would relate to that to pen down something for them. It doesn't take much time to deduce the very words that their loved ones would love to hear. What amazes me is that when I fall into similar situations, I seem not to find the right words for my loved ones as well. This really baffles me.

1 comment:

  1. Most people fall prey to this as well. You cannot have it all you know
