Last Night I slept soundly, so peacefully that I did not dream of you. I did not dream of those crystal eyes of yours that pierces deep into my soul when you stare at me. Undressing every fear hidden within me. Nor about your warm cheeks screaming cuddle me! cuddle me!. Last night, I did not dream of you because I learned to let go, to let of the deepest desires I held within. That clung me to you so tight that I couldn't let go. Of the scription of memories that bonded us together and made us inseparable. Suddenly, it has all faded away, not willingly but as a result of your change of attitude. Those sweet, fresh, visible memories has blacked out. Last night, I did not dream of you, but of a trip far across the oceans looking on to the tranquil of mother nature and restoring a sense of self. Myself and Destiny. I held back my awakening in the morning, seeking your face in my dream last night. Disappointed, troubled, queered was I in my dream but I woke up with a new sense of humor. A brand new me, it appeared to be.
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