There are a lot of things we do not take notice of but are still a big part of us anyway. As my father always says, "The fact that you don't watch or read about what is really going on around you doesn't mean nothing goes on". Get to know what goes on around you and you will know how to deal with them the best way.
Thursday, 26 January 2017
There's more you need to know
You do know much about me, and I give you credits for that. But there's more you still need to know about me. And with that, it doesn't require the previous knowledge you have about me to deduce that. It only requires patience, tolerance, love and commitment to be able to discover that part of me. And after you have known that aspect of me; it would enhance your vision on how you previously perceived me. I only hope that you wouldn't judge me from what you only know about me but you would also be willing to know me more and more as each day passes by.
When it comes to emotional matters
When it comes to emotional matters, I fumble at making my own decisions and therefore seek for another's counsel. But when someone is going through an emotional stress, I tend to be of good ears and able to suggest a suitable solution for them. Which seems to work out as I predicted and they are marveled by that and show great gratitude for my impact. Many friends I have helped out on numerous occasions, even going a step further to write an occasional message for them to give to their loved ones, including apologetic messages. All they need to do is describe their situation and I would relate to that to pen down something for them. It doesn't take much time to deduce the very words that their loved ones would love to hear. What amazes me is that when I fall into similar situations, I seem not to find the right words for my loved ones as well. This really baffles me.
I didn't really know myself
I usually go to study with Joan and the others. Recently, Brad was telling me something about Joan. That anytime she's learning with me in particular she sings songs like; Draw me close to you, never let me go. Wrap me in your arms. All I need is you. I need you oh I need you, every hour I need you. I love you forever. And many more. Hence, he thinks those selective gospel words she's been singing are meant for me in particular. I wonder how he was able to deduce this on his own. I mean, how can one be able to figure something such as this out. Totally absurd!. I just kept laughing through out while he was seriously making his point. But after he said that, I decide to observe that for myself and realized it was true. But how can I ask Joan if those words are actually meant for me. I tell you, it's interesting the stuffs people are able to figured out on their own.
Wonder why we are still friends
Sometimes, I try to give myself just a reason why we are still friends after all you've been doing to me. Even when you say hello, there are strings attached to it. And sometimes you don't want it to seem obvious so you decide to say hello three days earlier to the favor you need so you wouldn't look bad. I'm not trying to call you an opportunist but you sure act like one sometimes. I'm also not saying it's obligatory to say hello but it's nice to check up on friend every once in a while. It shouldn't be only when you are in the mood. Cause you have no idea what mood I'm in but I don't let that affect our chat. Such a behavior is not nice, would be happy if you decide to put a stop to it.
Wouldn't call it awkward.
We always have something on our minds about someone else's business. "You should have done it this way or you should have just taken your time". Only to realize that how we handle our own situation is even way more worse. We just like to comment on people's stuffs a lot. Seeing all the wrongs and pointing out vividly where they went wrong or what they didn't say right. But if we are to open our facebook timeline and scroll through all the past status we have posted and pictures we uploaded sometime ago, no one would tell us to click on delete. Well, it's easier noticing the silly things people do while we see nothing wrong with the things we do as of that moment. That is why is good to recollect on our past, to know the silly things we were interested in.
Friday, 20 January 2017
What did you say?
I was arguing with this friend of mine as usual. Cause all we do is argue. And I ended up saying "Annoying girl, no wonder we cannot be more than friends". Just then, she sent me this very picture on the left with this caption beneath it, "What did you say?". Believe me when I say I have never switched from hatred to love as fast as I did that very moment. It was like I had even forgotten about the argument, and strangely started asking weird questions like, so do you find me attractive?. Lol, after a minute I came back to my senses and could now think straight. I actually felt molested and used. She actually did that on purpose to sway me off my feet and she did that with just a picture. Shaking my head!. And all along I was thinking I was a hard-core. Ma guy, don\t do mouth.
The Cheek of it 2
Girl: Where you expecting me to welcome you with a smile. Besides, you are even a stranger I would like to know, you presented yourself as a stalker. Mind you, you started on a wrong foot to begin with. Now let me make it clear to you, that where stalkers belong is in the prison. But if you have been stalking me, you should have known by now that I like to run my mouth. It's obvious you haven't been doing your job well. Children of today, you just don't know anything about life.
Boy: And she tries to justify her actions. You sure do like to run your mouth. Never mentioned wanting to be your friend or liking you or even getting to know you. So why are you making a big fuss out of everything. And what do you know about life?. Or you think the little you've been through is the definition of life. Everyone can run their mouths, the only difference is, we do it when necessary and not on any random stranger we do not know. You should know when someone is just messing around with you though. Anyways, bye. Girl: So you took your time to write this lengthy thing?. All you wanted to say was bye, and you could have done that simply without writing all of that. I really need to teach you how to play this game. But unfortunately your time is up, so you too bye. Boy: So as you also took your time to read this lengthy thing. When you could have just read bye and ignored the rest. Girl: I love to read and write. Boy: Okay then you can visit my blog. I'm also good at writing. Girl: Lol, Next time don't tell a pretty lady you are stalking her. Boy: "Pretty lady" huh. I"m always ready for you since you haven't yet met someone whose also good with words. Girl: Okay, now I know whom you are, I think it's not necessary going down that path again.
Boy: And she tries to justify her actions. You sure do like to run your mouth. Never mentioned wanting to be your friend or liking you or even getting to know you. So why are you making a big fuss out of everything. And what do you know about life?. Or you think the little you've been through is the definition of life. Everyone can run their mouths, the only difference is, we do it when necessary and not on any random stranger we do not know. You should know when someone is just messing around with you though. Anyways, bye. Girl: So you took your time to write this lengthy thing?. All you wanted to say was bye, and you could have done that simply without writing all of that. I really need to teach you how to play this game. But unfortunately your time is up, so you too bye. Boy: So as you also took your time to read this lengthy thing. When you could have just read bye and ignored the rest. Girl: I love to read and write. Boy: Okay then you can visit my blog. I'm also good at writing. Girl: Lol, Next time don't tell a pretty lady you are stalking her. Boy: "Pretty lady" huh. I"m always ready for you since you haven't yet met someone whose also good with words. Girl: Okay, now I know whom you are, I think it's not necessary going down that path again.
The Cheek of it
I told a lady I was stalking her and after a two days she had had enough and exploded. This is what transpired between us. True Story.
Girl: I remember those shoes in your profile picture, yet you say you are a stalker. I am not surprised you would use that word. You are someone I would never be friends with. Quite disappointing, but I understand where you're coming from.Why should I notice you when you are nothing.
Boy: I don't look scared. I can tell you all about me, but what use would it make since you wouldn't still know whom this is. And I wouldn't use words I may not mean, if I were you. Choice of words are very important.
Girl: Leave me alone. I am done with you. "Stalker". Laugh out loud. You are nothing but an...
Boy: We shall meet again, remember this day and all you said carefully. Bye.
Girl: I remember those shoes in your profile picture, yet you say you are a stalker. I am not surprised you would use that word. You are someone I would never be friends with. Quite disappointing, but I understand where you're coming from.Why should I notice you when you are nothing.
Boy: I don't look scared. I can tell you all about me, but what use would it make since you wouldn't still know whom this is. And I wouldn't use words I may not mean, if I were you. Choice of words are very important.
Girl: Leave me alone. I am done with you. "Stalker". Laugh out loud. You are nothing but an...
Boy: We shall meet again, remember this day and all you said carefully. Bye.
Wednesday, 11 January 2017
A long way to go
Sometimes I just sit back and watch you do all you do. Not because I'm immune to the hurt it causes me, but just to reckon and to put things into perspective as to whether you actually care. And with much observation, I have noticed your words and actions mean two different things, which is, they go contrary to each other. I wouldn't say you do that just to test my reaction, cause if were so, I would have known by now. And you tell me you love me with this kind of attitude?. What is the guarantee we would even last a month if we were to date?. This isn't a matter of me taking things too personal as you claim I always do. I'm only stating the true fact of the matter at hand. All I'm saying is, if you actually serious about us dating then start taking me very seriously. And if not, continue hanging up unexpectedly when I call, ignoring me when you online, replying my messages as and when you please and saying hello when you feel like it. Get yourself together.
What could possibly be sweeter than this?

Wednesday, 4 January 2017
Are you ready for one?
Sometimes we cover it all up by saying, he/she didn't show that much care that is why we bolted out. But the truth of the matter is, if they show adequate care and actually pass in all efforts to be our relationship partner. Would we actually accept them as our relationship partner?. Do we want all our friends to be aware or attest to the fact that this is my relationship partner?. Are we really ready for a commitment?. I'm sure we would fumble at answering likely questions as these. But all we want to believe is that, things didn't work out cause they didn't love us or they weren't consistent with their feelings. What about us?. Did we actually want a commitment and were we ready for a relationship?.
Brush it off

Conflated Emotions

Tuesday, 3 January 2017
A call from Mildred

Lesson of 2016
One thing I took notice of, quite well in 2016, was how people lose interest in the things you do. I usually like to record myself sing and share with my whatsApp friends and in certain groups I'm part of. After a couple of minutes or hours, those that have interest in what I do, would comment. And those that don't really care, just don't download at all, regardless the comments beneath it. And even if they do download, they don't comment. And those I have some chemistry with, go an extra mile to analyze my recordings. And with time, as the chemistry dies out, they stop downloading and commenting on the recordings all together. But as at that time, I would have met new friends that would show interest in what I do and they would do the analysis. Likewise with a blog I run. Some of those I started with, and were really into what I write, have lost interest, cause the chemistry we had died out, and new friends now show great interest. So I think what I have learnt, is not to be discouraged when friends lose interest in the things you do, cause new ones would replace them. Just stay focused and keep doing what you do best.

Nights with my pillow
Happy New Year
Now New Year Resolutions are being set.
A time for reminiscing and drawing
up new prospects.
A year of intensified awareness in CHRIST and heightened self respect.
A time whereby we feel so grateful to GOD, we cannot express with words.
Such Unconditional love who can context?
It actually takes time to get appressed with this "Unconditional Love", Mama says.
A time whereby we feel glad we didn't give Christianity a rest, when hit with numerous test.
If it had not been for the LORD, where would we have been, Papa says
A time for reminiscing and drawing
up new prospects.
A year of intensified awareness in CHRIST and heightened self respect.
A time whereby we feel so grateful to GOD, we cannot express with words.
Such Unconditional love who can context?
It actually takes time to get appressed with this "Unconditional Love", Mama says.
A time whereby we feel glad we didn't give Christianity a rest, when hit with numerous test.
If it had not been for the LORD, where would we have been, Papa says
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