Wednesday, 10 February 2016

What People Think

 Bel: I posted one of my writings on a group page of mine and one of my friends was like; I should write something about him. And the first thought that came into mind was, if someone was to write something about me how would it be like.? What would they really emphasis on?, and would they say anything good about me?, or would the bad surpass the good?. Because I do have a couple of friends if I'm supposed to say something about them I wouldn't just have anything to say rather than to beat around the bush. Most people would say they don't really care what people have to say about them. I think it's just a way of making ourselves feel better, because when we critically analyze things ourselves, we know for sure what people would say about us. Either than everyone concluding that,  "we are okay".  We should at least get three or four people to say something special about us. It's not like it's a necessity or something but it's to know the kind of life we're living and the kind of opinions people have about us. "After all what?",  someone may say. Still ago ahead to ask a couple of your friends what they think about you and wait for a reply. And note the similarities in whatever they have to say.

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