Friday, 1 May 2015

A Nagging Girl

My roommates's friend called Roland, normally comes into our room
pissed off or upset from a chat he had with his girlfriend. She's a nagging
girlfriend, no doubt, but what is really funny is she complains about the little
things and this puts him off to the extent that he has to come talk about it in our
room, which can last for hours, sometimes as early as 7am. He's now fed up and concluding
that he doubts whether he wants her as a wife.
I know you would say im taking his side cause he's a boy so lemme elaborate further.
She complains about him not calling her as he used to which is a good argument but when
he realizes his mistakes and starts calling regularly she asks why he's pretending he cares.
When she calls and it rings for a longer time than usual before he picks up, is a problem.
If he picks up and says i'm busy at the moment is another problem. If she tells him she's off
to the hospital and after a while he doesn't call to ask of the run down is a problem.
If she calls and it happens to be line busy, then is a greater problem. He's now made up his mind to leave his life and that he is still young, and deserves to have his piece of mind.
Is that a good choice?, you tell me.

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