Sunday, 17 May 2015

Did You Know?

*11% of people are left-handed.
*August has the largest % of births.
*An average person falls asleep in 7mins.
*A ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain.
*Most lipsticks contain fish scales.
*Lemon contains more sugar than strawberry.
*The longest flight of a chicken recorded is 13secs.
*Most commonly used letter in the alphabet is E.
*Least used letter in the alphabet is Q.
*Dream is the only word that ends with mt.
*Money is the only one thing that couples argue about.
*About 90% of the world's population kisses.
*Coca-cola originally contains cocaine.
*The average human-brain contains around 78% of water.
*Lighting strikes the Earth 6,000 times every minute.
*A minute kiss burns 26 calories.
*On your birthday you share it with 9million others
*An average person will spend 25years asleep.
*Everyday is a holiday somewhere in the world.
*Black & Yellow, the two colors with the strongest impact.
*Safest car color is white.
*Oldest word in English language is "town".
*Monopoly is the most played game in the world.

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