Tuesday, 17 March 2015


It is easy for a woman to notice when a man shows interest in her.
If she is smart then she will figure it out from the first day he starts to, the same way it is with a man. You may wonder why, but it is something that comes natural to us. Our actions defer from how it use to be, we unconsciously act in certain ways that we do not realize ourselves. It could be jealousy or care, either ways it could be easily detected unless the person it is towards doesn't really want to go that road with us or doesn't feel the same way.
The only problem we have is to differentiate from those that are originally
interested in us and those that are in for something. Sometimes with much
experience we can observe critically and tell the fake from the original.
Other times we only ignore the person because we simply not interested in them and not that their love isn't genuine. Usually, we are blinded by love and ain't able to tell the difference except those around us. We could try asking a couple of close observers to tell what they think, they may tell us something we ourselves haven't got a clue until we censoriously observe. Observers often have a good sense of telling if the relationship will be a long-lasting one or not.
We cannot really tell if we have no experience or ain't updated with the things happening around us. The good thing is we all have instincts that occasionally prompts us about a particular person we are involved with.
Regardless the appearance or the way the person became a part of our life if we have good instincts we can be able to deduce if it's meant to be. The actions and reactions of the person will show it, especially when we around them often. We will easily realize the things we have in common and the things they do that we can't put up with.
Occasionally, we can tell them to change from such behaviors and we will realize if they take us serious, to talk of our words. It could be that they only pretending to impress us by doing all that we ask of since they gearing after something but if we are very observant we will be able to fish those people out from the serious ones. Because our predictions ain't always right.

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