Saturday, 28 March 2015


The accumulation of knowledge or skill that result from
direct participation in events or activities. The very thing that makes us whom we are now. We all go through stuffs that strengthens  us eventually, no matter how it breaks us down. It could be heart-break, poverty, sickness, difficulties, hunger, trauma, pain, distress, death of loved ones, maltreatment and a lot more.
At that junction, we feel no one can feel what we truly feel inside so we just wanna
be alone hoping to get ourselves through it. Being alone during times as such does us
no good, it only builds up disgust for humanity. It makes us hardhearted towards peculiar
category of people, our reasons may be understandable but whom do we become as a result of that.
Holding up grudges or grievance maybe worth it to us but how many people do we hurt along the way?.
And if they are also to hold a grudge against us, how many enemies would we have made?.
When I watch series or movies about revenging or avenging, the problems those people go through themselves and the innocent people they manipulate, hurt, wangle, falsify before achieving their goals are uncountable and deplorable. My point is, certain things happen to us for a reason. It could be that God is testing us in one way or the other, it could also be the works of the devil or perhaps the bad choices we made so we shouldn't react  to everything that we go through. It is difficult to endure so we would say, "if only you knew what we are going through"  just to keep the bitterness within us. We should let whatever we go through in life strengthen us rather than making us vengeful or bitter.

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