Wednesday, 30 August 2017

This Matter II

Ivy:  Its quite obvious you want to force words out of me. Well you keep on trying and now you've succeeded. But this time around its really a bold step you've taken. Truth being told, I'm quite impressed. Haven't seen this side of you in a while. This was actually one of the reasons why I became so fond of you. I always admired this attitude of yours. I wonder what made you change over the weeks. I guess the last thing you want to hear right now, is me telling you how you should behave around me. I'm not trying to bore you though. I'm only telling you the guy I grew fond of over the weeks have changed. You've become so emotional lately and you take little things too seriously these days. Sometimes, I'm just not in the mood to talk around you cause the look on your face alone is a marking scheme. Please try to let things slide. Don't keep every detail of things I do to offend you in your head. Else this friendship won't last. I can see it's end already.

Sunday, 27 August 2017

This matter

Benny: Ivy, I guess you've realized of late that this matter isn't really of my interest anymore. Wouldn't say I'm fed-up cause that's not the case. I'm just not into this back and forth stuff no more. I mean, if there is a future, there would have been progress by now. So I think is better we stay friends as we are. Cause going a step further only brings us two step backwards. I still do have interest in you, no doubt. So you should make up your mind on the way forward cause I have. And I thought you should know.

Thursday, 24 August 2017

A bite of it

Sonia: I actually planned on keeping this a secret but since you asked why not let you know. Don't take this the wrong way. But I do miss that very moment when you decided to ignore me. Putting me on airplane mode in your cute head and pretending you never saw my numerous text messages and never-ending missed calls. But I also do love the fact that you are back for the good reasons. Being that you bring out the best in me. Alongside comes the negatives as well. Thus, you always put your needs first. Not that I'm calling you selfish but the effort you put in relating to matters of my heart has proven futile. And I don't like the feeling that comes along with that. Giving me a lot to think about. It's not necessary trying to prove a point. Please kindly be yourself by trying to improve on you like I'm doing on me.

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Irrotational Feelings II

Young Adult's Group Chat
Vivianne: Men will always be men, I have friends and they tell me what their guys do to them. Its awful. Barry: Indeedbirds of a feather flock together. You, yourself, you are attracted to bad guys so don't complain. Vivianne: You think you've talked sense err?. Judith: I think some men control themselves better than others and that's the only difference. I haven't met any different guy so far. John: The baby is at fault. It caused this whole problem in the first place. Florence: No wonder, you are called John. Glenn: I laugh enter Accra mall. Erica: So no one has said anything sensible so far? Gordon: Were you expecting a different outcome? Raymond: If you need answers please see a professional, not here. @Erica.

Irrotational Feelings

Young Adult's Group Chat
Question of the day: A man almost cheats on his wife with a maid she hired in less than a month to babysit her new born. Who is at fault?. Alisha: Is the woman. Because if the wife hadn't gone in for a maid, nothing would've happened. Raymond: Then if God had not created the fruit. Adam and Eve wouldn't have sinned. Gerrard: Laugh out loud!. Erica: For me, is the man. All men are the same. They just cannot stick to one faithful woman. Jeremy: Shaking my head!. In this 21st Century, you still have this mentality. Please upgrade your system. Liliane: Jeremy, you being a good guy doesn't mean all guys are good. Gordon: Same way one girl doesn't represent the whole girl population. Erica, say the guys you've met. And how did you come to such a conclusion anyway?. To be Continued.

Saturday, 12 August 2017

Is about Hilda

Lincoln: Hello Josephine, I'm about to tell you a serious issue. Don't laugh!. Lol!. Before that kindly lemme know if Hilda has any fear of commitment due to past issues okay. Cause I think something is off the hook I'm not aware of. Lemme enlighten you a little on the matter. The whole story, in summary, is that Hilda prefers text message proposal to facial or phone call proposal. Which I have no problem with. The main issue is, she has been in previous relationships through the same means that didn't last. Presumably, breaking up with someone who proposed through a text message isn't really a big of a deal, I figured. And I do want ours to last. But she still prefers a text message proposal, with the notion, the other means I prefer makes her feel weird. Josephine, what do you think I'm getting myself into?. And what is your take on this? Be sincere and straightforward Okay.

Thursday, 10 August 2017

A Third Sense

Duke: It intrigues me every time you able to sense something's wrong. At first, I pinned it on coincidence but after it recurring severally it wasn't funny anymore. Lol!. It's actually still stuns me anytime you do that. I wonder what actually triggers you to try call me within those times. Cause, the timing is always right. I mean, any day I put my phone on airplane mode or switch off my data for sometime to clear my head for a while. I see your message after a while which always goes like this, "Hey, hope you good?, been trying to reach you. Call me when you get this message". I just thank God for your life.

Pull the Trigger

Portia: I'm grateful to God for the woman He's moulded me into. Experiences, lessons, deterrent examples, instances have had great influence on my life. Some would admire you for your personality sake, others would only lust after you. Few would make their intentions clear, many you would have to figure out on your own. But at the end of the day, you are responsible for the decisions you make. You are the only human who knows your true intentions. All what others can do is assume unless revealed unto by God. Just try not to keep repeating the same mistakes. I'm begging you.

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Thanks for noticing

Frederick: I wouldn't dispute the fact that I'm an emotional guy. Not extremely though, but I do take little things into consideration. Especially, when someone's attitude towards me takes the slightest turn. Regardless, I don't take things personal. I let go of things pretty easily. Cause my heart and mind is my own, therefore I choose not to stress them out too much. People and our selfish desires makes it staggeringly effortful putting others first. And showing just a little gratitude for the little things people do for us becomes another knotty problem. Riveting how complaining and finding excuses comes at ease.

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Hey Come Online

Ines: Where have you been all day?. I  called, sent a message and many more but to no avail. Anyways, you really missed on a memorable event. I'm sure reading what transpired on the group page now wouldn't be as entrancing as it was, reading and experiencing it live at the same time. I guess you can't wait to hear about it. Let me explain before you start reading from the group page, else you wouldn't understand. Why ain't my messages ticking blue anymore?. I'm sure you've ditched me and gone ahead to start reading from the group page right?. Shaking my head!. Anyways, what happened was, Kevin proposed to Anne in the group page. Lol!. I know right!. Now go ahead and read from the group page.

About The New Guy II

Jackie: Which guy are you talking about?. Oscar, you mean. But you two already know each other or?. Oh!, I get it now. I guess he got your number from a friend just to say hello. Isn't that sweet of him?. It's a good thing you mentioned you are dating though. Most girls often leads the guy on, only to tell him after he's hooked up unto her that she's dating. Which I think is a very bad habit. Oscar is definitely a nice guy. Abeg leave him for we the single ones. Lol!. I can see you two chat too often, which is a very bad look for Mike. If you would only see things from his perspective. How would you feel if you were Mike?. Anyways, I'm not trying to hate or anything but notwithstanding, I have been crushing on Oscar for a while now. If you would hook a girl up, I would be very grateful. #smileyface

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

About This New Guy

Gloria: I know this may sound weird and all. Cause I just met this new guy and the way we just clicked, there will always be that feeling he's the one until proven otherwise. Besides, Jackie, I am very conscious of the fact that I'm already dating and I do love Mike, trust me. And I'm not leaving him for this new guy cause Mike and I have come a long way and I don't see why I should start all over again with another guy. When ultimately all guys seem the same. They start by making you happy everyday and always either texting or calling you. Then after they've gotten your attention, they stop checking up on you frequently as they use to. Ain't ready for that journey again actually.