Sunday 10 March 2019

His Testimony Got Me Thinking

Griggs: Someone shared a testimony today which inspired me. He thanked God for having a purpose in life. That, for a couple of weeks now, he wakes up having a goal, and targets set for the day. And on top of it all, he can see progress in his life. He continued by saying, at first he woke up and moved whatever direction the wind blew him. But since, he found a reason for living, his whole life has transformed, and he wakes up with a certain zeal and energy to go through his day. Futhermore, he actually looks on to tomorrow, to finish whatever task he has to. After the testimony, the MC said, that the guy's testimony got her reviewing her life also. Definitely, she did have targets she wants to attain as well in life. But the measures in which she had put in place in order to get there, and the next step after reaching her target is what she was reviewing during the testimony. And what got her thinking the most was whether she had discovered fully her life's purpose. You know, sometimes you can be doing something with your life but deep down within yourself, you know, you are at the wrong place. You can just tell that this isn't your passion or purpose. And if it were up to you, you would be doing something different of your interest. I understand you perfectly, my only question is, "What is stopping you?". You may say I don't really understand your situation, yes I don't, but have you done anything about it?. And how far are you willing to go, to get where you want to get?. Remember, every celebrity you admire, really invested in their time and built themselves to a certain point that they are now paid millions just for their time. Because of the value they added to themselves over the years. The same 24 hours we all have. May we also get to that level where we would decide the amount we want to be paid for our service, because of the time we're investing in ourselves.

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