Friday, 1 February 2019


Welcome to the Month of Love; where romance, reconcilling, love-chats, love-songs, lovers, man-marking, hypertension, guilt, breakups, peace of mind, quarrels, desperation increases. Love is a beautiful thing when reciprocated, cherished and worked upon. Making it glow, sparkle and blossom. How deep is your love?. Yes, indeed love is measured in depth. Your love for people tells how you treat them. People don't really appreciate love mainly because of trust issues. Others may say they ain't the "love type" due to their upbringing or experiences  in life. But its quite certain everyone meets someone special they fall in love with at a point in their life, depending on the direction they take. There's a difference between falling in love with someone and having love for someone. One lasts and one doesn't. One can be overcomed by poverty, difficulty, hardship, sorrow, and others. Falling in love doesn't guarantee a successful marriage, cause love is not the foundation for marriage. Love does not make marriage work, in other words, don't marry someone cause of love. Okay, lemme say it right; falling in love with someone doesn't make them the right person for you. The application of knowledge sustains a marriage not the exchange of love. Think about this carefully. 90% answers to our problems are written in books. Learn for your unborn children, cause what you don't know are transferred to your kidz. The more you know, the more they can learn from you.

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