Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Make Them Love You 2

Earning their Heart
1. Show them love during difficult times.
2. Make yourself significant in their life.
3. Show them how much you care through sincere actions.
4  Ask them out on a date. (Be straight-forward.)
5. Be a great date. (First days out are very important.)
6. Go the extra mile.

Loving Right
1. Respect them. (Never judge them nor make them feel bad.)
2. Be a good friend. ( Make them our best friends)
3. Remember that you are two separate people. (Don't try to change them)
4. Let them be whom they are, how they are.
5. Let them make choices about their time and private space.

Keeping them in Love
1. Don't ever take them for granted.
2. Don't stop putting in effort.
3. Make a commitment.
4. Always do something new and exciting together.

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