Efo: Personally, I believe it's time for you to update your mindset on certain things. Even iPhone updates its phone every year, and likewise, there are new models of cars released annually. It's been ten years since we crossed paths, and upon meeting you again, not much has changed about you. Your approach to life remains consistent; you haven't stopped saying, "Men are wicked." All your experiences revolve around men taking advantage of you, and I am not surprised. You cannot keep declaring one thing and expect the opposite. I observed that after ten years, nothing about you has changed except for your increasing age. You still rely on men to take care of you. The only skill you've developed is "ways of billing men," and for that, I acknowledge it. The Bible's statement that women are to be "helpmates" doesn't imply lacking personal goals and ambitions in life. Words have power, and life often reflects what you say. Avoid looking at life negatively. Despite challenges, we stay hopeful. Those who avoid risks miss out on stories for their children. I believe sharing later-life lessons early protects your children from similar problems. Learn new skills from time to time. Nigerian movies and Korean series aren't real-life guides. Don't pressure others unnecessarily; we often suffer more in imagination than reality. Give your worries to God, not men.
What A Wonderful World
There are a lot of things we do not take notice of but are still a big part of us anyway. As my father always says, "The fact that you don't watch or read about what is really going on around you doesn't mean nothing goes on". Get to know what goes on around you and you will know how to deal with them the best way.
Tuesday, 30 January 2024
Thursday, 22 June 2023
Thursday, 20 October 2022
The Quest for Meaning II
Popo: I was talking to one friend called Stella last week. She was sharing a scripture she had learned that day, which talked about casting all your burdens unto God, and in him, you would find rest; Matthew 11. It then dawned on me, that the reason why you find life difficult is that you do not hear God (Holy Spirit) when he speaks to you. You haven't mastered the art of recognizing his voice. Therefore, you make decisions based on how you feel at that time. And because you do not have guidance from a wise elderly person or you do not seek advice from anyone than your friends, you make mistakes and later may hate yourself for that. Some of the career paths you take are even imposed on you, there is no proper assessment of what you are good at, and this gets you confused as to whom you want to become in life. If only you could hear the still soft voice of the Holy Spirit, many of your choices in life would sink with the will of God for your life. It is only through your gift that you can impact the world greatly because you must love and be good at what you do, to be able to influence others as well. Strive for mastery in whatever field you find yourself in.
The Quest for Meaning
Aki: The reason why you might be struggling is because the path you’ve chosen is outside the plans your creator has for you. That is why there is a need to go to him on a quest for meaning. I get confused anytime I don't know the meaning of something. I begin to ache and dig deep into my thoughts just so I can figure things out. I sometimes wonder why I have to be going through things I don’t deserve. Because, Lord knows I am a good person. Genuinely, I care and wish well for people. I learned to work on my selfish desires months ago, when I started looking at the bigger picture. That is; aligning my own goals and ambitions to that of the will of God. It hits differently when the meaning of things I’ve been through starts to drop into my spirit. It seems like all of a sudden, everything begins to make sense now, even though some are beyond my understanding. It leaves me with a big smile. Because of how my experiences have shaped me into a better version of me. I may not be proud of the decisions I’ve made in the past concerning relationships with people and my spirituality. I’ve realized some of my decisions results in the situations I often find myself. I hereby encourage everyone to go on a retreat, on a quest for meaning from no one greater than the originator and creator of our lives; God. It is he alone that has all the answers and solutions and also holds the marking scheme to the life required of us. Yet you omit him from your life and seek after prosperity and success on your own. He is worried of your well being and how you treat him like a third party and only your solution centre. Make him your friend, therapist, provider, protector, instructor, etc and your quest for meaning shall be met. It’s not far fetched if you take time to think about it.
Monday, 4 July 2022
Words Still Carry Weight?
Tuesday, 17 May 2022
I Just Don’t Like U
Kofi: If only you could tell how people really feel about you and the perception they have of you, you wouldn’t waste your time trying to make things right with everyone. Truth be told, a lot of people are not genuine. Their responses, kind gestures, demeanor, words, and actions toward you can all be fake. It only takes a certain circumstance to reveal the whole truth. Until they’ve had enough, you’re only being tolerated. If you could see their expression when they see your call or text, you might be surprised. The day you fall into trouble or make a mistake is the day you’ll truly hear what they think about you. But why fake it if they don’t mean it, you might ask. My answer is that it’s easier said than done. If you’ve never been in a situation where you had to tolerate someone temporarily, you might not understand. Live your life without trying to please people. Even Jesus had haters, so how much more Maame Esi’s child?. Ultimately, the words you speak and the choices you make are two clear indicators of whether you are wise or not. It’s that simple.
Wednesday, 4 May 2022
Thursday, 10 February 2022
My 2022 Address
This year, stop beating around the bush; be straight forward with your opinions and thoughts respectfully. Trying to sugar-coat words and be extra nice allows a lot of people to stress you unnecessarily. Something you could have easily prevented from the onset. A lot of complicated issues were once simple to deal with. It’s interesting how people start acting funny when you accord them extra privileges you don’t usually do for others.
That was just by the way, also this year; decide to stay positive no matter what. Decide not to be bothered by present circumstances, neither be ye pressured by peers. Don’t rush into things you are not ready for. Don’t also be lured into making decisions you haven’t thought through thoroughly. Be ready to explore this year; try new things and everything you’ve felt reluctant to do. You’d be shocked the capabilities you’ve slept on all these years.
Don’t belittle yourself this year. The “as for me” comments are too much. As for you everything you cannot do. If people are making plans and don’t add you it’s purposely because of the “as for me” comments. Too many excuses; sometimes all you need to do is make up your mind. Nothing changes with maintaining old routines, new routines brings about the changes we seek for in our lives.
Find a way to stick to the things you planned to do. People don’t take you serious anymore when you agree to something and don’t deliver. You might not really care what they think but it would go against you, eventually, when it becomes a general opinion about you. It’s good to have certain people in your lives who advice you and push you to do more. Keep people who tell you the truth, because you will need them.
Have a fruitful year and have an opened mind to things. Don’t always be in your corner like no one likes you. You wouldn’t enjoy life with that perception. Have fun and work hard, this is your year!
Wednesday, 19 January 2022
Tuesday, 26 October 2021
Let's Get This Straight
Monday, 25 October 2021
Fake Love on the Streets
Wednesday, 20 October 2021
Looking Back
Kojo: Anytime I feel frustrated in life, I cast my mind a few years back, and then I thank God for progress. The progress might not be significant materially, yet emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically I recognize the progress in my life. Even how I use to react to information now has changed. My perspective of life has been edited and updated. I've noticed the maturity, even though I might still cry when watching a documentary of someone's life. It doesn't make me any weaker, because it is recorded that "Jesus wept". A God who came to dwell amongst men, had the tendency to showcase human nature; it did not make him weak. Experiences in life has shaped me into being a better person. This same experiences if not channeled properly creates bitterness towards a particular gender, race, person etc. Although, I do not give up easily, I have learnt to accept the truth and allow things to play out rather than force things. Most of the time it is God at work or the consequence of my actions. It is one thing knowing that the truth hurts and it is another thing experiencing that "The truth hurts". I have come also to understand that my life is a testimony for others based on my experiences and how I use them to my advantage. The fact that someone might go through the same thing I've been through and give up shows my caliber of person. There is light at the End of the Tunnel. We move!
Saturday, 16 October 2021
Wednesday, 4 August 2021
Monday, 19 July 2021
Finding Life's Purpose II
Friday, 25 June 2021
Finding Life's Purpose I
Saturday, 22 May 2021
Limitations on Our Faith
Kojo: Lemme tell you this story and how it opened my eyes to this topic. One day, my rent was due and I had to redraw this huge amount of money. But my account was a savings account which I opened after school, hence I set a lower limit for the total amount of money I could redraw in a day; not thinking of the future.
I started working, and along the line my current account visa card got missing. All I had was my savings account visa card, and I still had this limit I set years ago on my savings account at the back of my mind. A week before my rent was due, I planned to take the money in bits from Monday to Friday, then would make the full payment that weekend.
But a colleague at work suggested that I withdraw all the money I needed at a goal, and that I shouldn't judge my current situation with my past. I went ahead since it was a good advice; "what was the harm in trying". Only to my surprise, that I could actually withdraw all the money at once. And then it hit me, that we are limited by our own level of faith. The extent of faith you have determines how God adjust your miracle or breakthrough. It won't happen if you don't test your faith by stretching it a bit further. Most of us, we've caged our faith. We've set a limit to it. Why don't you believe God can use someone to bless your life by buying you a house and a car also?. Ye of little faith.
Some people never receive certain types of miracles, because in their minds they've set a limit to their faith and they don't believe such things can happen to them. If only you would believe it's possible, it can happen for you too. An unbeliever can have more faith than a believer. Don't limit yourself because of your past or background. With God, all things are possible. If only your faith was as little as a master seed. Giving it a try means you've exercised faith; that is all you need. God no go shame us!
Sunday, 11 April 2021
A Touch of Gratitude
Kojo: Complaining never solves anything. Life is full of little little choices that we sometimes don't seem to realize. We can choose to see the bright side of everything or vice versa. Sometimes, even when we meet the right person we expect a mistake from them in order to conclude that men are trash or women ain't loyal. One thing I noticed is that whatever you look out for, you would receive in this life. I've owned this blog for 6years now. Yes, its been quite a journey. I've shared on pain and happiness alike; dependent on my emotions. Trust me, I could write on 3 different topics a day. 130 write ups in a year. I had people always expecting a write ups from me and I thank God for their lives, because they inspired me to write more. And to the ones who judged just from reading one script, Ayekoooo!. Truly I tell you, no prophet is accepted in his hometown. Luke 4:24.
Wednesday, 17 March 2021
When Life Hits You Hard
Tuesday, 26 January 2021
Saturday, 23 January 2021
Thursday, 14 January 2021
Wednesday, 30 December 2020
Personalize Your Thanksgiving
Tuesday, 15 December 2020
Christmas Came with Love
Friday, 4 December 2020
Wednesday, 2 December 2020
That Christmas Feeling
Regardless; the rich or poor, liberal or confined, everyone gets their fair share of happiness. It's a time of the season; God smiles on humanity and pours down his cup of happiness on us. And that replaces the tough and rough memories we encountered during the year with gratitude and thanksgiving. Filled with a sense of hope and a fresh start for the following year. While we make plans and resolutions to better ourselves the next year. How it feels good to see the choir rehearsing the carols and people redecorating or adding some lightening to their homes to brighten every corner. Churches lifting 'crossover' banners all around town. Children busy helping out at home, receiving visitors and gifts of all kinds. Families having reunions, catching up with other family members; giving updates and having fun. It's a time of giving and receiving, blessings and celebrating, oneness and love. Paying humage to the one above. Depicting His love and sharing in His selfless act of giving. Praising with the Angels on one accord. For we were once lost but now forgiven. Living in His light, in His will in which we are driven. That Christmas Feeling is that of a season of remembrance. Looking at how far we've come and being thankful to God for it.
Thursday, 1 October 2020
Why we must offer our best
Bryce: I discovered this simple truth, that the reason why we cannot bypass God is simply because He is the best and there is no other besides Him. And that is enough reason to tell someone if they are curious about our God and why we worship Him.
He is at the top of the pyramid, because He is the best and whatever He does is the best. An epitome, is He giving us His only Son, Jesus, who is the best redemption to man kind. That is why everything we offer Him must be the best, because we have been made aware that, He is the best and He does what is best for us. Hence, He demands the best from us as well.
Let me give us an illustration to clarify things better. Why do we go to that special barber, seamstress or sales person when we need a service that requires their expertise?. It is plainly because, the service they render us, to us, is the best. Reason why we leave someone for another is because we want the best for us. Meaning, being "good or better" in this context is not enough.
The same reason why a number of people are interviewed, out of which one is picked, is for the cause of searching for the best person who fits the criteria. Hence, there is the need for us to render our best in every aspect of our lives. And the final reason why we should render our best service is because we have a spirit enemy, who works through our kind, for the sake of our downfall.
This is a good reason for us to do our best spiritually also, through prayer and service to God. In order to be victorious against our adversaries, for we do not wrestle against flesh nor blood, but against principalities and rulers of darkness. In conclusion, if we want the best results and the best recommendations, then we must put in our best.
Tuesday, 22 September 2020
We All Need Peace of Mind
Timaa: Many women aspire to marry early, and anxiety often arises if they haven't found the right partner by their late twenties or early thirties. The pressure increases, especially when peers or younger siblings are entering into marriage. Ultimately, what everyone seeks is peace of mind – a state free from worry and anxiety. It's a common experience to realize that many worries from the past were irrelevant.
Tuesday, 15 September 2020
You Need Wisdom to Make It - Part 2
Ama: You would agree that it's confusing when you have options and you have to choose only one out of them, even if its a life partner. That is why people keep making mistakes of choosing the wrong companion. It's quite simple if you are differentiating between orange and yellow. But it takes wisdom to tell the difference between repose gray and mindful gray. Mostly, we are being taught how to separate orange from yellow, but life presents us with situations that requires us to separate repose gray from mindful gray. To make us have a feel of what the real world is all about, our teachers would teach us 1+1, yet in the exam you would see questions like 1-1x3. And that prepares us towards life, teaching us to be prepared even for the unexpected in life. An epitome is the year 2020.