Wednesday, 2 December 2020

That Christmas Feeling

Regardless; the rich or poor, liberal or confined, everyone gets their fair share of happiness. It's a time of the season; God smiles on humanity and pours down his cup of happiness on us. And that replaces the tough and rough memories we encountered during the year with gratitude and thanksgiving. Filled with a sense of hope and a fresh start for the following year. While we make plans and resolutions to better ourselves the next year. How it feels good to see the choir rehearsing the carols and people redecorating or adding some lightening to their homes to brighten every corner. Churches lifting 'crossover' banners all around town. Children busy helping out at home, receiving visitors and gifts of all kinds. Families having reunions, catching up with other family members; giving updates and having fun. It's a time of giving and receiving, blessings and celebrating, oneness and love. Paying humage to the one above. Depicting His love and sharing in His selfless act of giving. Praising with the Angels on one accord. For we were once lost but now forgiven. Living in His light, in His will in which we are driven. That Christmas Feeling is that of a season of remembrance. Looking at how far we've come and being thankful to God for it.

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