Wednesday, 25 September 2019

I'm Sorry

Chance: In my previous write ups, I've stressed enough about love. How it has lost its value and depth, cause of our misuse and shallow understanding of it. Take a couple of minutes to think through, if all the loving we do is not based on conditions. But love goes beyond condition; limitless. The other misused phrase, "I'm sorry". Per my statistics I've come to a conclusion that we mostly say, "I'm sorry", particularly to end prolonging matters and not that we actually feel remorse for what we did. Should the same instance happen, we would hurt the person all over again and still end up saying, "I'm sorry". So then I ask, what's the need for saying I'm sorry, if we don't regret our actions?. If we wouldn't retract our actions if given the 2nd chance. Sometimes we don't know why we say we are sorry until we are asked, "sorry for what reason?". Then we reflect and realize, we are not actually sorry for hurting the other person, but rather sorry for not feeling sorry for the pain we putting them through. Sometimes we may step on someone's toes and say sorry. But should we reverse time, we would still step on their toes and say sorry again. With that in perspective, it tells you, we are not actually sorry for stepping on their toes, but we are sorry they had to be the one. And that has also killed the true intention of saying, I'm sorry. So now, if someone says I'm sorry, we cannot really tell the motive behind the reason why they are saying so. And that has devalued the phrase, "I'm sorry". I'm sorry only settles things but doesn't fix things.

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