Monday, 29 October 2018

My Daily Prayer

Everyone: Thank you father for my life, my immediate family, my friends, my school, my work, my extended family, my colleagues, my church, my pastor, my doctor, my soul mate. For everyone who has passed through my life and has been a blessing or a lesson to me. I thank you for the food I eat, breath I take, car I take in and out, house I stay in. For the decisions I make, instincts, conscience, IQ. For the gifts and talents you've given me. I thank you Lord for removing destructions from my life, giving me a sense of direction, belonging, taste, desire, hope, peace of mind, comfort. In you I trust and surrender my day in and out activities unto You. May my life forever be a blessing and inspiration to others. May I never lack any good thing and never lose focus in life. To You alone be all the praise and worship, Amen.

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

I doubt

Blake: All I require of you is a clear conscience of me. I hope that isn't too much to ask of you. I know I wasn't of a good  behavior but you can attest to the fact that I have been of a good behavior of late.

Friday, 19 October 2018

If I Bore

Sometimes when we're pissed, we have this perception that, even our father cannot control us, how much more anyone else?. Other times we say that, when we get bored; is that bad, so no one should push us to the wall. Others times we don't even listen to what anyone says when we get bored/pissed. How silly it sounds now that I'm writing it down. But when someone else is bored we suddenly forget how we behave when we are bored, and we expect the person to hear us out. To me, this is typically selfishness cause it's like everyone around us should understand us when we are bored, and at the same time all the people around us should listen to us when they are bored. It just doesn't work that way. It doesn't even sound right now you are reading it as well, right?.

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

I wonder

Chris: I wonder why we have this perception that telling someone how we truly feel wouldn't change our situation anyway, so we stick to keeping, "however we feel", to ourselves. Especially when asked the question, "how are you?". We seem to give the normal routine answer, which is, "I'm fine or I'm okay", when we know very well we are not. I know, definitely that it depends on the one asking the question. Yet regardless the person asking, being it our husband/wife, girlfriend/boyfriend, we still don't tell them how we are truly feeling. It maybe that we are used to keeping stuffs to ourselves or saying I'm fine is our programmed answer. That is fine, but sometimes someone's soothing words is all we need. We might think we don't need anyone's condolence or pity or view or "mouth in our case", but it might be all we need to keep us going.