Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Let's Get This Straight

Nate: I believe many mistakes would be avoided if we can hear from the Holy Spirit and know exactly what He instructs us to do. It is because we are not spiritually sensitive and we haven't gotten to the place of discernment, that is why we do everything out of our free will. We live according to how we feel, and that never works. I love to tell you the truth as it is, because "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free", John 8:32. Ignorance is no excuse in the spirit, therefore you not knowing is only at your own risk. Just like how an ignorant girl is being (preyed, manipulated, exploited) by men, is the same way an ignorant soul is treated by evil spirits in the spirit realm. You cannot afford to live not under the shadows of the Almighty. We live in a spiritual world ruled by the unseen. There are territorial spirits, rulers of darkness in the higher places, demons etc, that seek to devour your soul day in and day out. They set traps and connive just to see your downfall. They were in existence even before your great grandfather was born, hence they've aged in trickery and deception. You cannot outfox them with just a few decades you've got on earth to live. That is where the "Ancient of Days" comes into play. The Mighty warrior, great in battle, Jehovah is His name. The "I am that I am", "The beginning and the End". All knowledge and power radiates from Him. Victory belongs to Him. You need Him more than He needs you; don't kid yourself. He has the whole world in His hands.

Monday, 25 October 2021

Fake Love on the Streets

Ama: The moment we need a favor is when we realize the circle of people we find ourselves. There we get to know that all the "if you need anything lemme know" wasn't really as serious as we took it. It was just one of those things they said out of formality. Just like people say, "I miss you too" out of formality. You'd even notice the attention people give to "dbee kids" is different from the regular kids if they don't know them. I mean, everything in this life is "money money money!!!". Most of the youth songs are money related. Family members with money are given more respect. Grown men take advantage of young ladies because of money. People are killing others and many marry because of money. The basic values of life like "love, mercy, compassion, respect, gratitude, justice" have been distorted. We don't really care anymore, we look out for our interest in every situation. We hardly put others first, even if an aunty gives us money to share with our siblings we use seniority to cheat them. We only start complaining when karma finds us at our workplace; forgetting how we cheat our siblings at home. How I wish we all would live with the golden rule; "do unto others what you want others to do unto you". Its just wickedness if we have been a victim of heartbreak, yet we go ahead to break another's heart thinking we are now heartbreak proof. Then an upgraded version of heartbreak finds us, then we start saying, "Love is a scam", forgetting it is the consequence of our own actions catching up to us. All I'm driving at is this; "let's be real"and start abiding by the golden rule. At the end of the day, "we'll reap what we sow".

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Looking Back

 Kojo: Anytime I feel frustrated in life, I cast my mind a few years back, and then I thank God for progress. The progress might not be significant materially, yet emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically I recognize the progress in my life. Even how I use to react to information now has changed. My perspective of life has been edited and updated. I've noticed the maturity, even though I might still cry when watching a documentary of someone's life. It doesn't make me any weaker, because it is recorded that "Jesus wept". A God who came to dwell amongst men, had the tendency to showcase human nature; it did not make him weak. Experiences in life has shaped me into being a better person. This same experiences if not channeled properly creates bitterness towards a particular gender, race, person etc. Although, I do not give up easily, I have learnt to accept the truth and allow things to play out rather than force things. Most of the time it is God at work or the consequence of my actions. It is one thing knowing that the truth hurts and it is another thing experiencing that "The truth hurts". I have come also to understand that my life is a testimony for others based on my experiences and how I use them to my advantage. The fact that someone might go through the same thing I've been through and give up shows my caliber of person. There is light at the End of the Tunnel. We move!