Saturday, 22 May 2021

Limitations on Our Faith

Kojo: Lemme tell you this story and how it opened my eyes to this topic. One day, my rent was due and I had to redraw this huge amount of money. But my account was a savings account which I opened after school, hence I set a lower limit for the total amount of money I could redraw in a day; not thinking of the future. 

I started working, and along the line my current account visa card got missing. All I had was my savings account visa card, and I still had this limit I set years ago on my savings account at the back of my mind. A week before my rent was due, I planned to take the money in bits from Monday to Friday, then would make the full payment that weekend. 

But a colleague at work suggested that I withdraw all the money I needed at a goal, and that I shouldn't judge my current situation with my past. I went ahead since it was a good advice; "what was the harm in trying". Only to my surprise, that I could actually withdraw all the money at once. And then it hit me, that we are limited by our own level of faith. The extent of faith you have determines how God adjust your miracle or breakthrough. It won't happen if you don't test your faith by stretching it a bit further. Most of us, we've caged our faith. We've set a limit to it. Why don't you believe God can use someone to bless your life by buying you a house and a car also?. Ye of little faith.

Some people never receive certain types of miracles, because in their minds they've set a limit to their faith and they don't believe such things can happen to them. If only you would believe it's possible, it can happen for you too. An unbeliever can have more faith than a believer. Don't limit yourself because of your past or background. With God, all things are possible. If only your faith was as little as a master seed. Giving it a try means you've exercised faith; that is all you need. God no go shame us!