Owusua: I'm very aware actions speaks louder than words and all that. But can we give "words" massive credits too. Undoubtedly, words mean everything. I mean we can fall in love with someone simply based on their words. Knowing just the right words to say at any given instance; gives us a upper hand in relationships, work, school etc. People who know how to communicate rightly usually get away with things. Couples that know how to communicate properly to each other strive through thick and thin. The rational behind miscommunication is simply because the right words weren't used. Relationships collapse, married couples divorce, tribal wars occur, nations fight, workers get fired: because words were used abusively. Notably, people are remembered not for their works only, but for their words also. Reason why we have quotes of influencial people who died centuries ago. Moreover, people are mostly remembered by the words they contribute concerning matters. That is why sometimes we wish someone was around us at a given instance, because we know they would know exactly what to say to resolve matters. Even though, certain words like "I'm sorry", "I love you", may have lost its value. Yet it counts when used in the right circumstance. Wisdom and Foolishness are equated to a person mainly because of the words they utter. The words we speak tells a lot about us, basically it defines us; communicates whom we are, our beliefs and even where we are from. Solomon was known as the wisest man ever lived solely by his words. And he was right when he said a fool is considered wise until he speaks in public. He had 700 concubines and 300wives, depicting women are moved by words; Songs of Solomon makes that evident. On the other hand, the Word of God signifies words carry power. That is why positive confessions are advised. Learning how to speak is a necessity. Your life depends on it.